81. Reunion

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Elijah laid two of the daggers on a plate and I laid a cover over it and I smirked. Elijah handed the plate to one of the remaining girls. I heard something behind me and I turned around.
"Kol." I breathed
"Do I know you?" He asked in the same voice I never thought I'd miss
"I guess not." Finn started to move and Elijah pushed me outside the room, back to Nick.
"Elijah... why haven't you left?"
"Where are you manners, brother? We forgot dessert." Elijah pulled of the cover of the plate the girl was carrying.
"What have you done? "
"What have you done? You see I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now. " Kol walked passed me and Nick looked at him
"Long time, brother." Finn ran in at vampire speed and he grabbed a dagger of the plate
"Finn, don't!" Finn stabs Nick in his hand. Nick runs away, but he faces Rebekah
"Rebekah?" She stabs him in his stomach, She changed
"This is for our mother." She says and Nick falls back into Kol and Kol holds him
"You're free to go." Elijah says and Damon and Stefan start moving. I start shifting on my feet
"This is family business." I start moving outside
"Cassandra, you stay." I turn around, shocked
"Did you really think I wouldn't recognize my sister?" I straighten my head and everyone else looks shocked at me
"Long time no see."
"Cassandra?" Rebekah
"Hi, I've missed you, Rebekah." She walks right to me and stopped before me. I smiled and she hit me in the face. I held my cheek and I looked at her
"That's for letting us think you were dead."
"I had to."
"Why, Cassandra?! Why?!"
"Mother made me leave. I don't know why, I just did what she told me to do. I'm sorry. I've missed all of you so much, you have no idea." I say and I look at my long lost family members.
"You look different, sister. Younger." Kol said inspecting me
"I know, it's a spell. It makes me go back a few years."
"I was bored, to keep me occupied I went to high school."
"So you didn't have to go, but you still went."
"Yes, Kol."
"I like what you've done with the new place, Nick." Rebekah says, not really being subtle in changing the subject. She picks up a vase and throws it across the room into a painting
"I wanted it to be for all of us. A place we could all call home. A place we could all be a family. None of us would ever have to be alone again." Nick said sadly
"Well you're right, none of us will be." Elijah says and Finn walks forward
"You're staying behind."
"We're leaving you, Nick. Right after I kill that doppelgänger wench, then you will be alone. Always and forever."
"If you run, I will hunt all of you down."
"Then you'll become everything you hate. Our father."
"Where is Mikael anyway?"
"He's dead! I killed him!"
"What?! You can't kill an Original!"
"I killed him. With a White Oak stake!"
"No, you didn't!" I felt the wolf inside me trying to fight to the surface, but I didn't let it
"And so what? I'm the hybrid! I can't be killed! I have nothing to fear from any of you."
"You will when we have that coffin."
"And don't forget, you're not the only one, Nick." I flash my green eyes and he glares at me. Everyone glares at Nick I just know it. I hear a door open and we all turn around. I gasp for air when I see the woman.
"Mother?" She doesn't take er eyes of Nick and she walks passed us.
"Look at me!" She says when Nick looks down with tears in his eyes
"Do you know why I'm here?"
"You're here to kill me."
"Niklaus, you are my son and I am here to forgive you." She turns around to see us and I look down
"I want us to be a family again." She looked over at me and her expression changed
"Cassandra? Is that you?" I looked up
"Long time, mother."
"I didn't expect to see you here."
"I'm sorry. I know you wanted me to run."
"No, it's fine. I was wrong. you should be with your family."
"I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen. I'm only here for the summer. I have build a life far away from here."
"I'm sorry, mother. I promised to come back and I never brake my promises." She didn't say anything
"I think I should go back to my house. It was nice seeing you all." I take my coat and walk outside to my car and I sit down in my car. I take a big breath and turn the key to start the engine. I put my foot on the gas and I drive home. I open my door and fall down on my bed
"This can't be real. Everyone of my family is here, even my mother, but Mikael is dead. This can't be real." I lay on my bed, thinking about what just had happened. I close my eyes, but the events keep me from sleeping. I sit up and look at the clock, not even 10 pm. I grab my phone and doubt about who I'd call. I can't decide and I just push redial.
"Cass?" I heard a heavy voice say
"Sorry for calling so late, I just had to tell someone."
"Tell what?"
"I've seen them."
"Seen who, Cass?"
"My family, Isaac, I've seen my family!" I start smiling if I think about it
"And what did Scott and Stiles say?"
"I didn't call them yet. I just redialed the last person."
"Oh, but anyway what was that about your family?"
"I saw them. After all these years, I finally saw them." I started crying
"I even saw my mom."
"Are you crying, Cass?"
"They're happy tears."
"I'm happy for you, Cass."
"She invited me to stay." I heard his breath stop for a brief moment
"Really? And are you?"
"No, I turned it down. I'm coming back." I heard him exhale on the other side
"They might be my real  family, but after all these years, I learned to have another family. You guys, my friends."
"That's great to hear, Cass. I was afraid I wasn't going to see you anymore."
"Don't worry, I'll be home around the last week of summer. But I have to go, I'm glad I could tell someone. Sorry to wake you up."
"uhm- You didn't wake me up."
"Don't lie to me, Isaac."
"How do you know I'm lying?"
"Your voice is heavy. I can tell." He laughed
"Why are you saying sorry? You didn't do anything."
"I should try more to hide the fact that you woke me up." I laughed
"It's fine, Isaac. -It's -- Never mind."
"No, tell me. What were you going to say?"
"It's kinda sexy, but I didn't say that, OK?" I laughed it of, but I never thought I would actually think that. He laughed along with me
"But anyway, thanks for listening to me, Isaac and I'm sorry for waking you."
"Hey, if that's what you find sexy, you can wake me up some more." I could feel him smirk through the phone
"Wipe that smirk of your face, Lahey."
"How did you--"
"I know you too well to not know."
"Right. Forgot that. And weren't you leaving?"
"Right. Thanks for reminding me."
"Did you forget you were leaving?"
"Yeah, don't dare to laugh, Isaac." He snickered
"Oh, you'll have something waiting for you when I get back!"
"At least now I'm sure you'll coma back." I think it was meant as a joke, but his voice sounded serious.
"Of course I'm coming back. Why wouldn't I?"
"Because your family, which you haven't seen in hundreds of years, asked you to stay."
"And I already told you, I don't break my promises and I promised you, Scott and Stiles I'd be back before school. You're my family now, Isaac. I wouldn't  dream of leaving you."
"Yeah, but it's your real family, Cass. You still have a family, I don't have anyone."
"You have me, Isaac."
"Yeah, but I'm proof that it's not the same as real family, Cass."
"That's not true, Isaac. You're proof that you are the same. I know you better as I know them."
"I'm not the same as family. I'd rather have you back here right now, that you don't get to know them."
"What? What are you saying, Isaac."
"Never mind. Just- just come back, OK?"
"Of course. Don't worry, I'll be back."

You Can't Beat Me. ~A Vampire Dairies And Teen Wolf Crossover Lovestory~Where stories live. Discover now