75. We need your help here

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I went to my car and from afar I heard that we were losing. I grabbed my phone and dialed Isaac
"Hey, Isaac. I don't know where you are, but we need your help here."
'Why? What happened?'
"Scott's on the bench and Gerard threatened him."
'I'll be right there.'
"Thanks, Isaac."
'Anything for you, Cass.'
"You can stop flattering. I already thanked you."
'Yeah, right.' I putted my phone back inside my pocket and walked back
"You OK?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. What some medicines can't do." I joke and I look at the scoreboard. 2-0 and we're losing. I looked at Stiles and he was awful!
"​He's probably just warming up." And again he made a wrong move
"Oh, he's just a little nervous. Plenty of time to turn it around." Stiles was terrible and everything we were saying to his dad, I don't think we believed it. I watched over at Scott and he was getting nervous as well. Coach pushed Scott back on the bench and when he walked away I saw Isaac sit next to Scott and I felt a little more relieved.
"You came to help."
"I came to win." Isaac smirked and looked at me and our eyes met and I smiled.
"Thank you." I mouthed and he subtly nodded. Both he and Scott looked past me. I followed their gaze and I saw Gerard
"You got a plan yet?"
"No, right now it's pretty much just keep Jackson from killing anyone."
"Well, that might be easier if you're actually in the game. We have to make it so coach has no choice but to play you."
"How do we do that? He's got a bench full of guys he can use before he ever puts me on the field." Scott turned back to Isaac and Isaac made a face that made it clear there's only one way to do it.
"Can you do it without putting anyone in the hospital?"
"I can try." He says and he puts on his helmet. Isaac was on the field for less than a minute and the game was already brutal. The coach kept scolding Isaac and putting another player on the field. A few players later Jackson ran into Isaac and Isaac wasn't getting up. Scott and I sped down the field towards him
"It's not broken. But I can't move it. I think Jackson nicked me because I can feel it spreading."
"You want to play chess, Scott? Then you better be willing to sacrifice your own pawns." I heard Gerard say from behind me. Melissa came running up to us
"Something's happening, isn't it? Something more than a lacrosse game?"
"You should go, mom. Cass can take you home."
" Oh, I'm not going anywhere. And everything that I said before, forget it. All of it. OK? If you can do something to help, then you do it. You have to."
"I will." Scott ran on the field and I pulled Melissa of the field with me.
"Don't you know what you're really bargaining for, Scott? Haven't you guessed what the real offer on the table is? It's Allison. It's always been Allison. You give me Derek, and I'll let you have Allison." I looked behind me, but I didn't see him. I looked back at Scott and our eyes met. I listened closely and hurt Gerard talk to Isaac in the locker room.
"Locker room." I say and I know he heard me. He sped of behind me and I kept listening to know for sure everything was going well. I don't hear screaming so I take that as a good sign. Stiles is getting better and better and he makes 2 goals. Everyone goes wild and I see Scott pushing through a crowd of people. We both look up at the timer and it went under 30. My attention went to Jackson who was walking over the field while staring at Scott. He stood still in front of the goal and threw his gloves, helmet and stick on the ground and looked over the field with his snake eyes. He showed his claws and I tried to follow his gaze to try and find his prey, but when the zoomer went of, motioning we won and everyone started screaming, I lost my focus a bit.
"Nothing happened. Nothing." I heard Scott say and right after he said it lights starting to fall out and I heard a scream. Everyone started screaming and running around, people were falling and I grabbed Melissa
"Stay close to me!" I ordered and I pulled her with me
"Scott! Where are you?! Scott!" Melissa and I were screaming after Scott
"Mom! Cassandra!" I followed the sound of Scott's voice and pulled Melissa with me. I saw his standing there and ran towards him.
"Are you OK?" Scott asked his mom
"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. But somebody is hurt. Somebody is down on the field." I saw someone laying down, surrounded by people. The lights started getting on again and I heard the coach yell
"Get out of the way. Move. Back off! Move." Melissa ran towards the crowd and I heard Lydia scream for Jackson. She ran through the crowd as well. Melissa laid her head on Jackson's chest and Isaac came stand next to me and I could feel his breath on my hair.
"He's not breathing. No pulse." 
"Nothing." Melissa pulled up his shirt
"Oh, my God. There's blood. There's blood."
"Look!" I say and I hit on both Scott and Isaac's arm and I point to his hand
"He did it to himself." Isaac said and I look up at him. In his eyes I see happiness and relief, but I can see that he doesn't trust it either.
"Get down here. Get down here and hold his head. Tilt it up." Melissa ordered to a crying Lydia. Stiles' dad was searching for Stiles and he 
started screaming... Where the hell is Stiles? How could it be that it didn't even pass my mind to look for Stiles?

(A/N) Hey, here are another 25 updates at once. I don't know when the next 'dose' is coming, but it won't take very long :) What do you think about it until now?

You Can't Beat Me. ~A Vampire Dairies And Teen Wolf Crossover Lovestory~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora