32. Tracing texts

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We were walking outside the cafeteria when I thought about something

"Hey, Scott?"


"Allison has a swim class today, right?"

"Yeah... Where are you going with this?"

"The necklace."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't swim with necklaces."

"That's perfect." Stiles said, getting where I was going.

"Which period does she have it?"


"Oh, I can't. I have class then."

"Yeah, me to."

"Yeah, Stiles I know, we have it together." Stiles rolled his eyes

"I'm free."

"Perfect. You go then, Scott."


"No buts. You already ruined our first shot." Scott sighted in relief and the bell rang.

"Come on, Stiles, let's go. And, Scott, don't ruin this."

"I won't." Stiles and I went to class and Scott went to Allison's swimming.

Schools over and I'm on my way to my car, but I turned around when I heard my name

"Hey, Cass. Wanna hang at my place? I have an idea."

"Yeah, sure. What did you find out?" Stiles was looking at all the other students who were walking past us

"Yeah, I get it. Just tell me when we're at your place." He nodded and walked to his car. I got in mine and drove to Stiles house. I watched Stiles drive in the driveway.

"Isn't Scott coming?"

"No, he's getting the necklace."

"What? Why didn't he take it at swimming class?"

"He didn't find it." We walked inside and I stayed downstairs, going to the bathroom.

"Hey, Stiles?"

"Yo, Da-rek?" Darek? Derek! Derek's here? I flushed the toilet and went upstairs

"What did you say?"

"What? I said 'Yo, Da-ad'."

"OK, listen. I've got something I have to take care of, but-uhm- I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean... Your first game."

"My first game.--" I walked towards them

"Oh, hey, Mr. Stilinski."

"Hey, Cassandra. You're here?"

"Yeah, Stiles asked me to hang here before the game."

"Oh, and when did you get here?"

"Oh, I got here the same time Stiles did, but I was using the bathroom downstairs." He nodded,

"But, I'll leave you two alone." I walked past Stiles into his room and soon I was facing Derek. We were having a 'talk' through making weird faces, cause Stiles' dad can't know he's in here. Stiles opened the door and he immediately was pinned to the door by Derek

"If you say one word."

"What like, 'Hey, dad, Derek Hale's in my room. Bring your gun.'?" Derek loosened his grip on Stiles

"Yeah, that's right. For your fugitive ass, my house are my rules, buddy." Derek nodded in defeat and let go of Stiles. Stiles was smiling in victory and Derek couldn't help but make a diversion towards Stiles and of course he almost shit his pants from being scared. I was doing my best not to laugh at Stiles' face.

You Can't Beat Me. ~A Vampire Dairies And Teen Wolf Crossover Lovestory~Where stories live. Discover now