42. The principal

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Oh my God! What happened to our principal? Scott, Stiles and I are sitting in the principal's office. Three guesses who the new principal had to be?! Allison's grandfather! Why him? Why not one of the other billion people in this world?
"Scott McCall, academically not the most accomplished, but I see you've become quite the star athlete." I sat down listening to the 'principal' who was reading in our archives.
"Cassandra Nightingale. I like the last name. You don't hear it very often. Your archive says you live alone. Aren't you a bit young to live on your own?"
"My parents died a few years ago, but I was too old for foster care, so I decided to use my inheritance to buy a house away from all the memories."
"Must have been quite the inheritance if you can buy a whole house with it."
"Not trying to brag or anything, but yeah, I still have loads of money. I'm quite the investor and I quickly got a lot of the money back. Now I even have more than I started with."
"Maybe you could help me with some investments then?"
"Maybe, but now it's a hard market." 
"I know. OK, next. Mister Stilinski, perfect grades, but little to know extra credentials. Maybe you should try lacrosse."
"Actually I'm already on--"
"Hold on, McCall." My attention was sharpened, while Stiles fell back in his seat
"Your the Scott that was dating my granddaughter."
"We were dating, but not anymore." Scott started babbling about it, maybe too much isn't great either. I laid my hand on his shoulder and I think he got the message
"Hard break up."
"Oh, that's too bad. You seem like pretty fine kid to me. Now listen guys. And girl, sorry, I am the principal, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy."
"Is that so?!" Stiles said and I heard his seat cracking, while he was looking around for some reaction. I rolled my eyes, here you go, Stiles, a reaction
"However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers. So unfortunately one of you is going to take the fall, and stay behind for detention." Everyone started looking at Stiles. He started looking around and I think he got the message.
"Right. I threw the paper at Harris."
"Thank you."
"You two, you can go now. I'll talk to mister Stilinski about his detention." Scott and I step out the office like nothing was wrong, but from the moment we were out of sight, we started running outside. Normal speed of course. We can't really start running full speed through the school. We ran outside and we could just see Isaac sitting in a police car, which just drove away. We were too late. Isaac was looking back through the window. He knows it's not gonna be great, putting him in a holding cell tonight. Both Scott and I sighted and started walking back inside when I heard brakes from behind us. We both turned around and saw Derek in his car.
"Get in."
"Are you serious? You did that. That's your fault." Derek looked down after I gave him my best daggers.
"I know that. Now get in the car and help me."
"No, I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer. Cause a lawyer might have a chance of getting him out before the moon goes up."
"I'm going to search the house."
"Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's in the house is worse. A lot worse." Shit. Why can he do that? How can he be so persuasive? I sighted and looked at Scott, but before we could say anything Derek pushed the door of the passenger seat open. I rolled my eyes, really? I got in the front seat while I kinda pushed Scott to the back. Yeah, you gotta show them who's the boss. We arrived at Isaac's house. We used a flashlight that Derek brought, yeah, like we actually need flashlights.
"Why are we here again?"
"Searching for proof."
"What kind of proof?"
 "Proof that Isaac didn't kill his father."
"If Isaac didn't kill his father, who did?"
"I don't know."
"Then how do you know he's telling the truth?"
"Because I trust my senses. And it's a combination of them. Not just your sens of smell..." I smiled when I saw Scott's face when he got what Derek meant
"You, uh, saw the lacrosse practice?"
"Did it look that bad?" Derek grabbed Scott with his shoulder and brought his mouth closer to his ear.
"Yeah." Scott looked over to me for support and I look at him with a face that made it pretty clear that Derek was right. Scott and Derek were taking the lead, their orders cause Derek still thinks I'm human, while I was walking close behind them. I was trying to find something that could be a lead. Derek opened a door and I smelled something that smelled like dried blood and flesh. It was horrible. I didn't get any cravings, but it gave me a sick feeling inside my stomach.
"You wanna learn? Start now." Derek said and he shown the flashlight downstairs. Scott took the lead and I could hear his heartbeat race. I know nothing alive's in there, but still I have this feeling something's not right. It just doesn't feel right.
"What's down there?" I hear Scott ask
"What am I looking for?"
"Follow your senses." Derek didn't follow Scott into the basement and when I tried to follow Scott in, he stopped me and shaked his head
"He needs to do this himself. It's a good lesson." I just nod. I know he's right, but I just don't trust Scott down there all alone.
"What happened here?"
"The kinda thing that leaves an impression." Derek answered Scott's quiet questions from downstairs.
"What are you talking about?" I whisper against Derek, but Derek just turned to me and brought his index to his lips, motioning me to be quiet. I rolled my eyes and when I opened them again I saw Derek quietly waling downstairs. Oh, that's what he meant? I followed his lead and did everything I could, trying not to make a sound. I followed Derek's lead and I saw Scott standing by some large box and a cold chill went down my spine. Guess my bad feeling's coming from this thing.

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