87. Pentagram of salt

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"Why exactly did you invite us here?" Abby asked
"You are the descendants of the witch Ayana. She was a great mentor of mine, and I think it's only fitting that I draw from her bloodline." Mother answered
"So are you channeling our ancestors?"
"I draw from the entirety of the Bennett bloodline, living and dead. The connection affords me great power, although it is somewhat difficult to maintain, which is why I require you, mother and daughter, the bloodline made manifest and my own daughter to help me with it." That explains why I feel stronger ever since mother came back. She grabs Abby's and Bonnie's hand
"Tonight, my sisters, we shall bring peace to the spirits of nature that we serve, and for that, I thank you." Mother let go of their hands
"I'll make the pentagram, mother."
"Thank you, Cassandra." I make the pentagram on the ground with the salt and mother, Bonnie and Abby are preparing the rest.
"The pentagram represents our connection to magic. The salt is a symbol of the earth." Mother says while Finn is lighting the torches
"And the torches?" Bonnie asked
"5 torches, one for each of my children."
"What's the spell you're doing?"
"As the witch who cast the spell that made them vampires, I can also reverse it. When they become human again, they can be killed. As they are linked as one, my brave Finn will be the sacrifice. With his death will come theirs."
"And Cassandra? Nothing personal."
"None taken."
"She is the only one that hasn't betrayed nature."
"What do you mean?"
"I never hurt a person. I don't want to. The reason mother has brought me here is because I still have my powers."
"Nature doesn't see her as a threat and I need her to maintain the power that your bloodline is giving me. Nature is permitting her to stay alive." Abby looks at Finn
"And you're just willing to die?"
"My mother's releasing me from an eternity of shame. It's not a sacrifice. It's a gift." I never liked being a vampire either, but I don't see this like Finn does. I see Bonnie look at my brother in a way that makes sure that she doesn't really get why either. Finn made a weird sound and when I looked over I saw him fall down in the middle of the pentagram while the rest of us were standing outside it
"Something's wrong." Mother says and I look shocked at my brother who is laying down on the floor, black veins. He looks like he's been staked! The black veins started to fade of and he started moving again. He stood up
"Are you OK, Finn?" I asked and he nodded
"I'm fine."
"What happened?" Mother asked
"I don't know." I looked worried, but he was standing again so I shrugged it of, but I still wonder what happened and how. Little time passes and I hear something in the woods. I look at Finn and I see him tense as well
"They're coming, mother." I say and Finn confirms.
"No. It's too soon. The moon is not high enough." Mother looks at Bonnie and Abby
"Go quickly." They run inside the house and I follow them inside. We were walking through the house. Bonnie was leading the way with me by her side and Abby behind us
"This place has some serious vibe in it." Abby says
"The witch spirits will protect us from my siblings." I said, feeling the threat inside, but I'm still a witch. They won't hurt me
"But we should get into the basement." Bonnie said and she opened a door and a trap revealed
"I'll go first." I said and I walked down the stairs and I heard someone come behind me. I heard all kinds of things outside. Mother was talking to my brothers. I turned around when I got to the end of the stairs and I saw Bonnie
"Abby!" She yelled when she noticed no one was behind her. I heard a crack behind me and I turned around. I saw Stefan
"You're in the way, Cassandra." He said before he snapped my neck and darkness surrounded me.

I woke up and my neck was hurting.
"Seriously?" I said to myself. I held my neck and I got up. I remembered that after Stefan broke my neck, Bonnie and Abby were alone. I ran outside and I saw the burned out torches and I sighed. I guess it didn't work. I went searching for Abby and Bonnie, if they would still be alive... I searched their house, but they weren't there. Guess I'm going home. I went home and I took a shower. I hate dying. I think I need a talk with Stefan and probably Damon too. I run over to the Salvatore mansion and walk straight inside. I heard them talk upstairs
"I lost that coin toss, Damon. Should have been me who turned Abby. Why did you do it?" I heard Stefan ask Damon
"Cause I'm not blind. I see what's been going on around here. Hanging by threats, Stefan, barely over your last ripper binge, and all you want is to be the old Stefan again."
"That part of me is gone for good."
"Oh, yeah? How long has it been since you had a drop of human blood?"
"How'd you know?"
"Spend 146 years with someone, you kind of start to pick up on their tells. Into the question. How long has it been since your last drink?"
"Since the night I threatened to drive Elena off the Wickery bridge."
"See? You have enough to feel guilty about. Why add to the list? By the way, you're welcome."
"You know, you're not fooling anyone either. You still love her, Damon."
"I do. I thought I could win her from you fair and square. She didn't want me. It's for the best. I'm better at being the bad guy anyway." I heard a door and I tensed. Damon came downstairs and looked at me
"Cassandra? What are you doing here?"
"What happened?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Ask Stefan."
"He's not here."
"Seriously? I just hear you talk upstairs. I don't care what your problems are between each other or with Elena. What happened?"
"Hey, Stef! Come downstairs." Damon yelled
"What?!" Was the response
"Come down!"
"You have a visitor!" I yell, getting angry. Stefan comes out the door and walks down the stairs
"Oh, hey, Cassandra."
"Don't you hey me after you brake my neck."
"You what?" Damon  asked Stefan
"I had to. She was walking on the way. I had to distract Bonnie and I did."
"What happened to them?" Damon and Stefan looked at each other
"Tell me!" I yell when I'm losing my patience
"We broke the bloodline so Esther cou--"
"You did what?" I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down
"Abby's in transition. There's no turning it back." I ran to Stefan and I held his neck
"I should break your neck right here right now." Damon tenses, but doesn't intervene. I let go of Stefan
"You're lucky it's not my style." I disappear from their home and I go back to the Mikaelson residence 

You Can't Beat Me. ~A Vampire Dairies And Teen Wolf Crossover Lovestory~Where stories live. Discover now