45. Erica

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I waited for Allison and we walked in the sport hall and we could see a climbing wall.
"Are you good at this?" Allison asks me
"I'm not horrible."
"Neither am I." We stood in the group and waited for coach to start his explanation.
"OK, everyone! Today we're climbing this thing. Two people are holding you, so you won't fall. I don't want you chicken out. Any questions?" No one said anything
"OK, first ones are... McCall and Argent!" I looked over at them and they pulled down their hands. Those cheaters! They started climbing and Allison stopped for a while to wait for Scott. They laughed and started going faster. Allison looked up and saw Scott and pushed him off. I guess they held a match and Allison lost. Scott stopped right before he hit the ground and everyone started laughing. Scott fell the last few inches down on the mat and coach sat next to him, laughing.
"McCall, I don't know why, but you give me this special kind of joy, right?" 
"Alright! Next two, Stilinski! And... Erica." Erica, was this kind of girl most people don't want to talk to. She's an epileptic and can't really do about her appearance. At first, when I first arrived here, I was planning on befriending with her. Just because I wanted to stay low. But I met Scott and Stiles before I had the chance and look at me now. But either way I still talked to her and played nice. Erica's nice, but she doesn't like the fact that she can't do anything about the way she looks.
"Good luck, Erica." I smile at her and she gives me a scared smile back. Stiles was back down, when Erica was still not past the first half. Erica stopped and started freaking out. Everyone gathered closer.
"Erica!" Coach was yelling something I was listening to her heartbeat. If it would rise to high it could cause an seizure. Erica let go of the wall and landed safely on the mat.
"You're fine." Everyone started laughing and I wanted to tell them to stop, but I couldn't. I know she doesn't want to. I looked sad at her. And when I looked up I saw Scott looking at her with the same sad look. Class ended and everyone went to the locker rooms. I walked inside the girl locker room, but I got this chill and it just wouldn't stop. Something's not right. I focus my hearing and I hear a heartbeat rising. Like a seizure. Oh no, Erica. I ran back to the sport hall and saw Scott ran towards a falling Erica.
"Oh my God." I look around and saw most of the people followed me here. Shit. Erica was having a seizure and Scott laid her down.
"Lay her on her side." I demand and Scott does what I tell him.
"How did you know?" Allison sat beside me and she was looking at Scott. Thank God she doesn't know about me knowing to.
"I just felt it." I called an ambulance and not soon after that they took Erica away. Everyone went back to the locker rooms and changed for the rest of the day.
My next classes were boring as always, but when I walked through the hall I saw Jackson screaming at Lydia.
"You ruined everything!" He walked away pissed, while Lydia stood there like she was struck by lightning. What just happened? I looked back to Jackson and I saw him turning back and sighted before walking further away from Lydia. I walked to lunch and saw Stiles sitting with Boyd. A large guy, who's always sitting alone. Right, the keys. I remember hearing them talk abut some keys. Something about the ice skating hall, but I'm not in the mood for all that, so I said no, thanks to them. Let them have fun with Lydia and Allison tonight.
"Got em. I'll pick you up right after work and--" suddenly everyone became silent. I follow everyone's gaze and saw ... Erica?!
"What the holy hell is that?" Lydia says smacking her hands on the table
"It's Erica." Thanks Scott, for pointing out the obvious. Just like I can smell the werewolf on her from afar.  The three of us stood up right after she left and followed her into the hall and outside. And of course I saw her getting in the car with Derek. Derek looked at us and smirked, like he won something. He looked at me and I saw some twinkle in his eyes. He wants me next. Yeah, right, let him try. I want to see whet kind of things he would say to try and make me change my mind.

 I drove home and parked my car. I walked inside and started on my homework when the bell rang.
"Ugh, who is it and what do you want?"
"It's Derek. We need to talk." I sighted and opened the door.
"Can I come in?"
"Too bad." He pushed me aside and walked inside. At least he's not a vampire.
"What, Derek?"
"Who's your friend?"
"What friend?"
"The one that arrived not too long ago."
"Oh, Damon?"
"Yeah, him."
"What about him?" I knew what he was gonna say, but still acted cool, Cass
"What's his problem?"
"What do you mean?"
"First of all, he doesn't know me, but still he acts like he's terrified of me."
"Yeah, you are an intimidating person."
"You really think so, Cassandra?"
"So, you're intimidated from me?" He smirks
"But you just said..."
"But I know you."
"What's that gotta mean?"
"That means that I'm not scared or intimidated from you."
"Then why did you say it?"
"I don't know. You could be quite intimidating?"
"Was that a question?"
"Never mind. What else did you wanna say?"
"Why does he smell so weird?" Here it comes
"What do you mean?"
"Yeah, you can't smell it. Never mind. That's something I should talk about with Scott."
"Oh, no."
"What oh, no?"
"Scott's not talking with you after what you did."
"And you are?"
"Yeah, like I can beat you."
"So whatever you needed to know about Damon, I'm the right place to be. No one else really knows anything about him."
"He isn't normal is he?"
"What if I say no? You know he's not a werewolf."
"How do you know?"
"Because otherwise you wouldn't be here asking me."
"Yeah, but how would you know?"
"Why do I know he's not a werewolf?"
"Because I know him."
"You know him?"
"Too good for my taste." He was looking at me, waiting for further explanation.
"Have history?"
"Yeah..." I don't know why, but I saw something change inside him, I don't know what, but his heart was racing
"Why did he follow you here?"
"I don't know. He says he needs my help with something."
"With what?"
"He won't tell me."
"Or you don't want to tell me."
"Look at what I've told you already. Why wouldn't I tell you this?"
"Maybe because it's personal or something?! Girls can acted so weird sometimes!"
"Why did you turn Erica then?!"
"Because I had to!"
"Who told you?!"
"I don't want to end up like Peter."
"Who you killed by the way!"
"I didn't have a choice!"
"Everyone has a choice, Derek!"
"Werewolves don't." His expression became sadder
"What do you mean?"
"Omega's don't survive. That's what always happens. Omega's die." The way he said it, made me feel sad, but now he's turning teenager for his own. He doesn't do it for them. He does it for him!
"But you don't even know what an omega is, right."
"I know. A werewolf without a pack." Derek sighted and nodded
"You don't want to know, Derek."
"Stop asking questions about Damon. You don't want to know."
"But what if I do? What if all my senses tell me he's danger."
"Then your senses are right, but he can come and handy later. The only reason I told Scott to do the same."
"If you say so. I'll leave him alone."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome" He smiles sadly at me
"I'll leave you alone then."
"OK." I walked Derek out
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For telling me the truth."
"How do you know I wasn't lying?"
"I heard it in your heartbeat." He knows my little trick, damn
"You can do that too?" He nodded
"But still, thanks."
"You're welcome, Derek." I smiled at him and closed the door.

You Can't Beat Me. ~A Vampire Dairies And Teen Wolf Crossover Lovestory~Where stories live. Discover now