3. The new girl

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Last night I called Scott checking if he was alright, but he didn't pick up what only added to my concerns. Please don't tell me, there is one here in Beacon Hills!
The next day I showered and pulled on my outfit. I went to my room and did my hair and make-up. I never did much make-up, I kept it simple, like the outfits I wear. I drive to my little cozy house and park my car in the garage to drive away with my bug to school. I see Stiles and go to him
"Have you seen Scott? I called him last night, but he didn't pick up."
"No, haven't se-- oh, wait, there he is." He says nodding towards the parking lot. I look around and saw him on his bike, oof.
"Just a question, but if you got a fancy car why don't you use it and drive to school with it?" 
"I don't want to get noticed." Was all I said, it was true, but I knew I had to tell the rest to them someday. Especially after I heard that wolf last night.
"Good morning." Scott was standing besides me, and I smell blood on him. Ask him, or ask him not? No need knowing him, I know he'll tell us. And, of course, I'm right and Scott starts telling about last night
"Ok, lets see this thing." Stiles said and Scott pulled the hem of his shirt up showing gaze with blood on it. Stiles didn't believe him, but I could smell the blood. Wanna know the weird part? I don't smell fresh blood, only dried, which means it's healing, which means... what I thought about last night was true, I did hear a wolf. Stiles was looking at the gaze while I was staring in front of me. Thinking about all these questions popping in my head.
"Hey, Cass, didn't know you couldn't stand blood." Scott was saying and Stiles was waving his hand in front of me, trying to get me back to focus, thinking I was staring straight ahead because of the blood
"Uhm, yeah I had it since I was a little girl." I wasn't lying, I was just a little girl when mother cursed us. We we're all just kids, we kept growing until Niklaus killed mother. From that moment our age was frozen. But I always wanted to go to a normal school so I putted a spell on me to make me look younger, but normally I look like I'm in my twenties.
"Couldn't see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf." Scott's words pulled me back out of my thoughts, a wolf... Shit!
"A wolf bit you? Na, na, not a chance." Stiles said it in a tone that made it clear, he didn't really believe the wolf thing. He and Scott kept talking about the fact that there are no wolves in California and how he found the body. I listened, just not focused. When Lydia walked by us Stiles tried to get her attention, again, and she would just ignore him, again. Every time she walks by me, I get this weird vibe, I don't know what it means, or if it even means anything at all. The bell rang and Stiles was saying it was Scott's fault Lydia was ignoring him. We walked to English class and our teacher was talking about the body in the woods last night. Everyone took their syllabus that were laying on the desks and from the corner of my eye I saw Scott jump at something and look around to see where the sound was coming from, but didn't seem te find it and desided to stare out of the window. He's a weird kid sometimes. My eyes were getting heavy, but jump back open when the door opened
"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Just do your best to make her feel welcome." The man left again and by the way she was standing there I could tell she was 'the new girl' a lot. She walked to the seat behind Scott and I saw him giving her ... A pen? Why would he gave her a pen? I shrugged it off and went back to doing my best at keeping my eyes open.

The bell rang and I walked to my locker and pushed all the book that I didn't need inside and pulled out all the once I did need. I looked at Scott and saw Stiles talking to some girl and I saw Scott staring at ... I followed his gaze and my eyes fell on... Allison Argent, the new girl. Somehow it looked like he was listening closely, but he couldn't hear what they were saying, right? I listened with my super hearing and heard her turn down the party on friday for... Family night. I also heard them making her come to the lacrosse game.
The bell rang and I went to the benches outside waiting for the guys to get changed. I took a book out of my back and started reading until the benches started shaking, motioning that other people came sitting on the bench. I didn't even bothered to take a look who it was.
"McCall!" The loud voice of the coach, made me jump and I looked at them, listening to what they were talking about.
" You're in the goal!" He said throwing stuff to Scott
"But, I- uh- never played."
"I know. Scoring some goals will give the boys a confidence boost. The first aid tactic. Get them energized, fired up." The coach was making weird moves with his hands over his head.
"What about me?"
"Try not to take any in the face." He patted Scott and walked away
"Poor, Scott." I mumbled under my breath and putted my book back in my backpack. Scott was standing in the goal, poor thing, with some luck he's gonna hold some, but knowing his talent, that would be just pure luck.
"Who is that?" I heard a female voice beside me say. I looked and saw Allison sitting with Lydia and she was nodding towards Scott.
"Him? Not sure who he is. Why?" I think Lydia's thinking the sale thing as I am: they like each other. I look over to see Scott looking at them as well.
"Oh, he's in my English class." The training was about to begin and I looked at Scott. When the whistle was blown, Scott seemed to have pain in his ears. From what? The whistle? Why would a whistle bother him that much? The first ball was thrown at him, while he was still holding his helmet trying to cover his ears and the ball hit him right on his face. Uhm, I'm glad he's wearing that helmet. Everyone on the field, except Stiles, started laughing including the coach. Scott stood up and took his position in the goal. And he caught the ball! 
"Yeah." I whispered to myself. Everyone on the field looked like they just saw a ghost and Stiles was cheering. Scott was catching all the balls who were being thrown at him and Stiles was cheering out loud, while I was cheering my silent way.
"It seems like he's pretty good." I looked and saw it was the same voice that belonged to Allison.
"Yeah, very good." Lydia said still watching the action on the field. I just made my mind. I was going to do something I wasn't planning on doing. I was going to cheer, trying to get Allison to talk to me about Scott. Ugh, Scott, This better work. I was waiting for the right moment and there it came, Jackson, the captain, was going to try and score, if Scott held that one, I was gonna cheer, but wait, maybe she'll think we're together... I'll fix that. Jackson made a sprint towards the goal, throw the ball and ... Scott caught it! Here goes nothing... I took a deep breath
"Yeah, that's it Scott! When did my best friend got that talented?" I yelled the first part and spoke the last part more to myself, making sure Allison would've heard it as well
"You know him?"
"Yeah, that's Scott, my best friend. He and Stiles are. They were one of the few people who would notice me when I entered this school last year. You're Allison, right?"
"Yeah, do I know you?"
"No, you don't, but you're in my English class. You were introduced to the class." Now she knows his name, but I didn't focus all the attention to him.
"I'm Cassandra, by the way. Cassandra Nightingale ." I held my hand out towards her
"Allison Argent. Nice meeting you." She said while she shook my hand and smiled at me. Normally I don't smile o people I just met, but I'm doing this for Scott. I returned the smile and returned my attention back to the lacrosse practice. I think I did a good job. Now he knows her name and she knows his. Rest of classes were just as boring as English and I almost fell asleep in every single one of them. 

Something was telling me that after school, we were going to look for that body. Ughh.

You Can't Beat Me. ~A Vampire Dairies And Teen Wolf Crossover Lovestory~Where stories live. Discover now