64. Definitely not a good party

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I walked over to Isaac and Erica, without having Scott or Stiles following me

"What do you think you're doing here?" I ask

"We're doing nothing. We're just sitting here."

"Don't f*ck with me, Isaac. What. Are. You. Doing. Here?"

"I'm not f*cking with you. But I'd like to do so." Isaac winked at me and I hit him on his head


"Don't what?"

"Don't think you're being a flirt. What are you doing here?"

"What does it matter, Cass?" Erica bargained in

"Don't call me Cass when you're not telling me something, Erica." I looked back and saw Scott and Stiles look over, but I know Scott's not able to hear what we're saying... I turn back to them and move my head in the middle of their heads so I could talk into their ears

"I know what you're doing here. Stop doing it. Tell that to Derek." I move my head back and glare at them

"Stop following. Or I'll report you at the police. And don't think I won't. I wonder what would happen when both of you are locked up together during a full moon when Derek hasn't thought you how to control it."

"You wouldn't!" Erica yells

"Try me." I say and I walk back to the boys

"And? What are they doing here?"

"They wouldn't tell me. Of course. But I told them I have some ideas to get back at them. They didn't really like it."

"What did you tell them?"

"Let's just say not to mess with me. Anyway. I'm going home. I've homework to do. Maybe you should try that someday too."

"Yeah, I've loads to do."

"If you need help studying. I can help. Anyway. Bye guys." I step in my car and drive home. I get changed into something to go out in and did my hair and make up over. I decide to send a message to Stiles

I'm done. I'm on my way to the rave. I'll meet you there        ~Cass

No reaction. That's weird. Mostly he answers rather quick. I shake it of and start my way to the warehouse. I stand on out meeting place, not long after Stiles drove in with Scott. I lock my car and walk over to the boys

"You OK?" Scott asks Stiles

"Yeah, why?"

"You just didn't say anything the whole way here."

"No, I'm fine. Can one of you just grab the other bag."

"We can't." I say

"Remember Deaton said you have to do it alone." Scott adds.

"OK, this plan is really starting to suck." Something really is wrong with Stiles. First the not answering my text and now saying something like this.

"No. Not here, not now." I don't know what made Scott run away like this, but I look back at Stiles

"I'm sorry. I need to go." I ran away after Scott

"What? What am I supposed to - plan officially sucks." I feel bad for leaving Stiles, but I don't really have a choice... I run inside and I quickly find Scott hiding. I stop beside him and follow his gaze. Yeah, I get it now... Allison. She's here with Matt. I mentally sigh and I see her look over. I walk away and see Isaac and Erica. When they look my way I wave them over. I feel someone standing beside me

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