86. Fun at the bar

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Yesterday I couldn't sleep after everything that happened. I felt bad, but I can't turn back events. I need to talk to mother. I shower and I put on my clothes. I did my hair and nails yesterday when I couldn't sleep and now I did the rest. This time I am taking my car and I drove to the house. I went inside
"If you're coming everyday, maybe you should use your room here, Cassandra." Kol joked
"Do you really want me in the same house at night?" I smirked and glared. I sat in the couch next to Nick and watched him draw. Rebekah came inside and Kol started harassing her.
"Well, well, well... there's our girl." He smirked
"Get out of my way, Kol." She ordered when he kept standing in her way
"Out all night. What a scandal. I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt, was it?" Right I have to talk to them about that.
"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." I tried not to laugh, but a smile still was showing. She pushes Kol aside and looked at Nick
"Don't start, Nick."
"I didn't say anything." She was standing in the middle of the room and Kol let himself fall in the couch across the room
"I'm bored. Our youngest sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun. I need entertainment."
"What are you waiting for? Go on. Have at it." Nick joked
"It's no fun to go alone. Join me, Nick. It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart." Kol whined
"OK. Why not?" He stood up from the couch
"I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date."
"Yes, please go. This house has enough men rolling around in it." Rebekah yelled
"Just like you, Bekah. I think I only have one real sister And maybe she'd like to leave her ignoring sister behind" I laugh and I stands up. Kol is right behind the all when Rebekah throws her shoe at them
"Good riddance, both of you!" I run behind Nick and Kol
"I'm coming with you guys if that's OK. I'm bored."
"Sure. Nothing better than going out with my little brother and my sister who seems younger than she actually is."
"Thank, Nick." I smirk and we go by foot to the Grill. On our way Kol hits on some passerby's
"Seriously, Kol?"
"What's wrong, sister?"
"You know that most people here are on vervain, right?"
"So what? I can still have some fun, can't I?"
"Sure, just try not to involve any other people, OK?" He shrugged and kept winking at the girl
"You know, maybe you should say the two of you are twins, it would make more sense than us." Nick said to us and I looked at Kol and we both started laughing
"I'm surprised that we are twins, Nick, but me and Kol?"
"Never!" He laughs and both of us kept laughing and joking about it until we were inside the Grill. Nick's right, but it's just a weird thought. Me and Kol. The though about it makes me snicker again. We sit at the bar and we overhear the talk of the people beside me
"Your CT scans were clear. Maybe you were compelled to forget."
"Wait. You think the killer's a... vampire?"
"There no other suspects. It's the obvious conclusion."
"Ah, come on now. Let's not go blaming the new family in town just 'cause you lot have got yourselves a killer at large. Don't mind us. We are just here to let off some steam. Right?" He asked me and Kol
"Right." Kol was staring and the man looked at me
"Don't I know you?"
"Yeah, Elena said you came to the house to talk to Damon." Nick and Kol looked at me
"Oh, that's right. Before I knew that the whole family was coming."
"Don't be rude, Cassandra. Introduce yourself." Nick smirked
"Cassandra Nightingale, but you might know something more if I tell you I changed my name a thousand years ago."
"Cassandra Mikaelson." The man said
"Right. These are my two brothers." I pointed to Kol and Nick
"I guess you already know Nick. This is Kol. My younger brother."
"Younger? He doesn't seem younger."
"We're twins. Whoever comes first is older. Right, Kol." He gave me a small glare
"Right." I faked a smile and I ordered a drink
"And yesterday you were telling the girls you didn't drink." Nick said
"Oh, I do drink. Yesterday I just wasn't in the right mood.

After a few drinks I took coffee to sober up. Mother's plan is taking place tonight. I gave two of my brother a fun night and I'm glad I did. I looked at the clock.
"I think it's time for me to go. Sorry, guys. Have fun."
"See ya tomorrow, sis." Kol said and it hit me in the face. He won't make tomorrow. I walk away and I went to the place mother mentioned. A place filled with the spirits of dead witches. Before I got there I got a text from Damon

We need your help. Esther is planning something to kill her children and Elijah doesn't like it. He took Elena ~ Damon S
How does Elijah know? ~ Cassandra
Elena told him. You know Elijah. Where would he keep Elena? ~ Damon S
I'm sorry Damon. I can't help. You'll have to find her yourself ~ Cassandra
He's going to make us kill a Bennett ~ Damon S
Don't. There are some sacrifices you'll have to make ~ Cassandra
Are you on their side? I thought you liked them? ~ Damon S
You'd be surprised. Talk to Alaric Saltzman. ~ Cassandra
How do you know him? ~ Damon S
I met him earlier. He'll tell the rest ~ Cassandra
But I need your help with Elena! ~ Damon S
Sorry no can do ~ Cassandra

I got out the car and walked towards Mother. She's standing with Finn. I see two woman voices in front of me
"Who's the creepy, lurky guy?"
"That's Esther's son, Finn, and he's a vampire, so--" I see her make a sign to her ear, gesturing Finn could hear them. And I laughed quietly and I kept listening
"Wonder what your grams thinks about the part we're playing in all this balance of nature stuff?"
"She's probably on the other side, screaming about getting involved with vampire business." Mother walks closer to them
"Bennett witches, thank you for coming. I could think of no better allies than the woman who sent Mikael into his long sleep and the girl who fought Niklaus so bravely." Mother saw me coming
"Cassandra! Right in time." I walked towards her
"This is my daughter."
"I'm Cassandra Nightingale."
"Nightingale? I thought the family name was Mikaelson." The youngest asked
"I changed my name. I rejoined my family not very long ago. I've lived separated ever since mother changed us."
"I'm Bonnie and this is my mom Abby."
"Nice to meet you." I smile and she returns it somewhat fake

You Can't Beat Me. ~A Vampire Dairies And Teen Wolf Crossover Lovestory~Where stories live. Discover now