46. Lydia on ice

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"So what happened yesterday?"

"Really? Again?"

"If I don't know what the two of you are talking about, then yeah. Explain it again." Stiles rolled his eyes

"And where's Scott?"

"Talking with Erica."

"What?! I told you! I wanted to be there when that happened!"

"Yeah, we know, Cass, but you're always so eager in keeping you a secret."

"Seriously? That's something for me to worry about, Stiles."

"Yeah, sorry, Cass."

"OK, at least you can explain the whole Lydia-thing again to me." Stiles sighted

"She started screaming in the middle of the ice."


"That's it. We don't know."

"More details what was she doing?"

"She was sitting on her knees. Like there was something underneath the ice!" Stiles said like knew that's what he missed

"That's what I wanted to hear. Thanks, Stiles." I started walking away

"Where are you going?"

"Ice skating hall."

"You can't just skip class!" Stiles yelled after me

"It isn't skipping if I don't have a class to skip, Stiles!" I yell back and I was outside on the parking. I climbed in my car and drove to the ice skating hall. No one's here. Perfect. I climbed over the roof and landed right in the middle of the ice without making a single sound. I looked on my watch. Still have 45 minutes before my lunch. That should be enough. I sniff around and smelled nothing special. Just all the smells an ice skating place should have. Damn. Too bad I started walking around on the ice, looking down, trying to find whatever Lydia saw. I looked back at my watch. Shit! I only got 3 minutes left. I ran as steady as possible over the ice, back into my car and drove to school... 2 minutes late. I was about to run inside when I was run over by Stiles.



"Perfect timing. Come on!"

"Where are we going?"

"Boyd's." Stiles pulled me up and guided me towards my car.

"Stiles, I don't know where he lives."

"I do."

"Let me guess. You want to drive?"

"Yes please." I rolled my eyes

"OK. Then we'll take your car." I smirk at him

"You know that's not what I mean"

"I know." I scowls at me and sighted. We both get in the car and Stiles drives to Boyd's house. We jump out the car and Stiles rings the bell, knocks the door and knocks on the window next to the door

"Hey, Boyd! It's Stiles!"

"And Cassandra!" I yell after feeling ignored

"I don't think he knows you, Cass."

"Wanna bet?" Stiles rolls his eyes and turns back to the door. I hear something, I smell something, more like someone. I stare at the wall, while Stiles turns around

"Wow!" I heard a sweet laugh. A too sweet laugh.

"What are you doing here, Stiles, Cassandra?"

"We-uh- we were just-uh-looking for-uh--"

You Can't Beat Me. ~A Vampire Dairies And Teen Wolf Crossover Lovestory~Where stories live. Discover now