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Jeongyeon's voice sounded loudly as soon as Momo entered the dorm, not caring to take off her shoes and jacket as she hurried to the older and Dahyun, that seemed to be in Nayeon's old room.

"Jeong." she called out, leaning against the door frame.

The woman was kneeled by the bed, head hung low as she mumbled Nayeon's name. Her hair was messy and way shorter than they used to be some weeks ago. Her clothes reeked of alcohol and her cheeks were red while she hiccuped.

"She was searching for her," Dahyun whispered, standing just a few steps away from the older "Nayeon unnie."

Jeongyeon had knocked on the door of Momo's dorm, completely wasted, and stumbled in as she searched for her girlfriend. She could barely utter a word or keep her eyes open, her face was swollen and it seemed like her mind was stuck in the past. The older thought Momo was still with Mina and the girl on her bed when she got in was the brunette and not Dahyun. She also thought she had a date with Nayeon and had to come pick her up because the woman's car was in service. Jeongyeon described to who she thought was Mina where the date was taking place and how much she had planned for it to look like Nayeon's favorite restaurant that shut down a year or two before they graduated high school.

"Jeong," Momo called out again, pushing herself off the door frame and moving to kneel down beside the older "What's wrong?"

A scoff escaped her lips as she turned around, her eyes looking a lot more focused than they did when she first walked into the dorm. Jeongyeon was finally realizing where she was and what year she was in, what happened to her beloved girlfriend, and how that date she planned many years ago turned out to be awkward.

"Look at me," she groaned "What the fuck am I doing here?"

Jeongyeon glanced around the room, gaze lingering on Dahyun who wore Momo's favorite sweatshirt and chuckled as it was many sizes bigger.

"Is this the girl you won't stop talking about?" Momo squealed at that, nudging Jeongyeon's side "Nayeon talked to me about you." she turned to Dahyun, bowing her head as if to apologize for the incident.

"Unnie, please don't change the subject," Momo interrupted "Is everything okay? How did you end up here?"

The older sighed deeply, playing around with a small and shiny object as she shook her head.

"I'm hammered and, I guess, really missing her," she spoke lowly "Sorry for whatever that was."

"It's okay," Dahyun spoke up "You should stay here until you feel better, I can leave you two alone if you need to talk."

"No, it alright," Jeongyeon tried standing up, a beautiful and expensive ring slipping from her hold "I'll go."

It bounced on the floor, catching Dahyun's attention. Frowning, she pointed at it to Momo who picked it up. It looked like a wedding ring, small diamonds shinning on it.

"Thanks," Jeongyeon coughed and reached to get it from Momo's cold hands "I don't know why I still carry this around."

She chuckled and put it in her pocket, taking a deep breath in before moving to exit the room she'd spend countless nights in.

"Were you planning to propose?" Momo spoke up, placing her hand on the older's shoulder to stop her from leaving.

"It doesn matter anymore," replied Jeongyeon with a smile "I was too scared to do for so long and when I finally realized what I truly wanted, she was gone."

The chuckle forming on the back of the woman's throat didn't seem normal for her current situation; grieving.

"We talked about it many times and I always said I wasn't ready," she said when meeting Momo's confused look "And I wish I was, I wish I wasn't so scared to take that step. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't."

Dahyun's stomach twisted at the sound of despair in Jeongyeon's voice, she could relate to them so much it physically hurt her hearing them. It was like someone picked out her thoughts from inside her brain, finding the words she couldn't, and saying them out loud. So loud everyone could hear and judge, the possibilities of them changing their mind and walking away from her. Just like Nayeon could do to Jeongyeon.

And Momo to Dahyun.

"She loved you, unnie, Nayeon could wait forever as long as she had you." the raven head spoke, oblivious to Dahyun's stare piercing the side of her face.

"Yet she wasn't able to, wait," Jeongyeon mumbled "I just wish I had said yes, satisfy both of us for even just a tiny bit. I know how hurt she got every time I claimed I couldn't move on to marriage."

What if Momo couldn't wait forever? Got tired of going so slow with Dahyun?

"Love was still there, whether you got married or not," Momo said "To me, that's the most important thing. As long as it's there, there's no need to rush." her eyes met Dahyun's, flashing a big smile.

"Sadly, love will always be here," she pointed at her chest "The pain of not having her around will never stop."

The youngest of the three frowned, smalls hands clutching her stomach. She looked up at the troubled look on Momo's face and the tired one on Jeongyeon's.

"Baby steps," the raven head mumbled "You will be okay, unnie, you will."

Jeongyeon nodded, lips pursing, and feet barely keeping her up. She mumbled her goodbyes and stood by the front door. Smiling sadly as she looked at Nayeon's room one last time, choosing to only keep their beautiful moments in her head for the rest of her life.

"She was lucky to have you." she said to the younger, fingers running through her hair.

Momo smiled unconsciously, being able to only imagine how Nayeon would've reacted to those words. The girls were usually fighting and screaming at each other, though at the end of the day, would cuddle to sleep when one was feeling uneasy.

"I was too."

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