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It had been years since this happened, Momo and Mina sitting outside, sipping on the latter's favorite strawberry milk as they talked about their dreams. However, this time they didn't talk about how they'd see themselves in twenty years. The girls barely even talked, just thought to themselves.

"I was certain she got so many years in front of her," Momo mumbled, straw between her lips "She had so much potential. She could be the best ever lawyer, I was sure of it."

Dealing with loss is a waiting game. No matter how many people you talk to, medication you get, it won't go until the right amount of time has passed. Everyone knew, both girls did too, but they didn't want to believe it. Especially Momo. She was too tired to be going through the pain of loosing her best friend ever, her sister. All she wanted was the pain to fade away, vanish.

"But maybe it was fate," she continued after a while "Maybe we didn't deserve her here."

Momo was used to people leaving, her father, friends, Mina..though she wasn't used to Nayeon leaving. Not in the way she did. Not without kissing he forehead goodbye like she always did, tell her she loved her and being the only person to truly mean it. Momo could never get used to her not being around anymore. Her dorm would be empty, her loud voice wouldn't wake her up early in the morning anymore, her silly birthday gifts wouldn't be thrown to her head as she ate anymore. Nothing would be the same.

"Fate can suck my ass." Mina whispered as she toyed with the carton box of her strawberry mil. It was still full, something not so usual for the girl who would always down it in a span of five minutes.

"Great idea," Momo replied "Paying fate off could've totally saved Nayeon."

They were being silly, throwing humorous comments around so they wouldn't have to deal with the thought of their friend's burnt body hidden away in some fridge. They could both save her somehow, with some magical power, but no one did and they had to live with the guilt of letting her burn to her death.

"Now that I think about it," Mina spoke up "Fate doesn't always suck."

When Momo got into the room Nayeon was held she was told none of this was her fault, that she couldn't have done anything to save her and they congratulated her for being brave and strong enough to clear out the exit for other people to leave. But Nayeon didn't and Momo would never forgive herself for that, not asking her where she was going and somehow preventing her from all of this.

"Do you think Nayeon's fate was to bring us closer again?" the brunette turned her head to look at Momo, biting down on her straw "If none of this would've happened, we'd still be avoiding each other."

Momo chuckled, it did make sense. Nayeon always took care of others, more than herself she always joked to love so much. Nayeon's fate was her wish, to make Momo happy and she was on the right path. She had gotten Momo to talk to the woman she never thought would let back in he life, she had gotten both girls to reconsider their relationship and gradually built a friendship. 

"Her mother always said she was an angel," Momo smiled "Now she's taking her true form."

"A literal angel." Mina commented.

"Bouncing on clouds and shit," the older chuckled "Thanks."

"Huh?" Mina hummed, drops of strawberry milk trickling down from the corner of her lips.

"For being patient with me, with you know, with the sister thing," Momo scratched the back of her head "Sorry for not believing you."

"You had the right to. I hurt you a lot," the younger sighed "I hope one day you can forgive me and it's okay if you don't."

Momo always told herself she would never do that, forgive Mina. But at this point, you only have one life, one chance to enjoy your being and Momo would be lying if she said Mina wasn't making her happy. Even if their relationship is way different that it used to be and it's making stuff between them creepier, both were willing to wait until Momo was comfortable starting over.

"I think I will, especially after this," she teased while pointing at the cartons of strawberry milk Mina had bought for the two "It's so weird, you being my sister and all. I don't think I'll ever be able to fully comprehend it."

"Would you like to, uh, take DNA tests some time?" Mina suggested, looking away "I'll make Ahn apologize about everything."

"You don't even call him father anymore?" Momo asked "If we want to start over we have to face our problems."

"Woah, who taught you that?' the brunette giggled.

"Someone very special, that helped me through a lot." the older laughed along, Dahyun's wise words never leaving her head.

"I guess you're right then," Mina said "I'm glad you realized it's fine to not carry your weights alone. Sorry about everything."

"It's alright, Mina," Momo smiled "We're both moving on."

"As we should."

"Also, I ship you and Chaeyoung," she continued "I'm just keeping it to myself so she won't start bragging about it."

"Thanks." Mina felt like crying. The first girl she ever loved was a different person, she had become so wise. Momo had mentally grown up, very quickly.

"So, friends?"

"And sisters." the younger teased.


"Yeah I know right," Mina laughed "Let's start over again."

Momo nodded, holding in a loud giggle "So, friends?" she stretched out her arm.

"Friends." Mina shook the older's hand.

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