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It was quiet when Momo entered the dorm, closing the door behind her back as she got rid of her shoes. The sun had already started to set when she got out of class, getting completely dark by the time she returned home with a bag full of food. She breathed out, setting the paper bag on the coffee table and walking towards the room with the only light on. It was faint, coming from the small lamp on the old desk of Nayeon's now occupied by Dahyun while she studied.

The younger hadn't gotten out of the dorm for days, she only attended a few morning classes and took her afternoon bath in the communal showers with the help of her friends, mostly Jihyo. Momo hadn't heard her talk nor seen her smile. All she did was keep quiet and study, eyes fixated on the endless words and numbers written in a textbook as she rubbed on her temples and sighed.

"Hey Dahyun," the brunette called out, feet dragging her close the younger "I brought dinner, want some?


"I thought you might be hungry," she continued "So.."

More silence.

"Alright, I'll be here if you need help." Momo mumbled, head hanging low as she walked away, heart aching a bit more than it did already.

Momo's body crushed on the mattress, a sigh of exhaustion escaping her lips. Her legs were numb after practicing so many hours on a routine for the upcoming exams. She had to be perfect, failing was the last thing she needed after everything that was going on in her life. Momo needed to do something right for once.

Her eyes fluttered closed yet her mind, overthinking, wouldn't let her rest and her stomach ached, twisting with the feeling of regret washing over her. She never thought she could be so mean, bitchy, even if years back.

"This thing is impossible!" Momo heard Dahyun groan to herself, a loud thumping noise echoing soon after.

The brunette jumped to her feet, reaching Dahyun's side in a heartbeat. The younger looked annoyed, the thumping noise turning out to be her fist on the desk. Her knuckles were red just like her face from anger, eyebrows twitching as she bit her bottom lip.

"Is everything alright?" Momo breathed out, tilting her head to look at Dahyun's work.

Silence again.

"Please, I want to help." the brunette mumbled.

Silence once more.

Dahyun gulped, nodding as she looked up at Momo for the first time in a long time. Letting her bottom lip from in between her teeth she pointed at a problem she had to solve for her math class, scribbles and small pieces of teared up papers clearly visible on her notebook.

"We have to solve this and later use it to present our conclusion to the project we have been assigned," she pointed at her textbook "However it's impossible with the method we were taught today. I honestly don't get it!" Dahyun exhaled, frustrated.

Momo moved her hands to her pockets, hovering above the younger's head to look into her textbook. Truth is, she didn't know a lot about math especially university level. Though she could point out a few similarities with them and her major that could seemed helpful to the girl.

"I'm not smart and everything," the older started to which Dahyun shook her head and crossed her arms "But have you tried using another method for it?"

The younger furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Momo, leaving her pen on the desk.

"Math are complicated, there are so many things you have to remember; just like dance," the brunette spoke "Maybe the method you learned in class today has nothing to do with the actual solution of the problem, but how you will plan your next move. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, I think?" Dahyun spoke, hand quickly grabbing the pen as she wrote something down on her notebook with focused eyes.

The brunette let herself smile, moving to pat the girl's back but stopping last minute "Glad my nonsense makes sense to you. It only proves you're very smart. You should take a break, try again with a fresh mind," Momo said and ran her fingers through her hair "I'll be out, call me if you need anything."

With that, she walked away. Hands still in her pockets as she exited the dorm, heading down to the stairs and deciding to sit down on the steps just outside the exit of the dormitory.

The night was chilly and the moonlight rather bright, standing out in the clear sky. It was peaceful, the faint sound of people doing their thing inside their dorms in combination with the rustling of the leaves. Momo thought she could live in the silence forever only if it wasn't so loud and suffocating. She usually liked being alone and listening to nothingness, yet nowadays, she couldn't focus. Maybe it was because she needed to speak to the one person on her mind, figure out their thoughts, get blinded by their beautiful smile or hurt by their disappointment towards her. She didn't know which was it and she hated it, Momo couldn't enjoy the peace and quiet she used to love after an exhausting day.

"I'm a fucking disappointment." she mumbled to herself, face buried in her hands and elbows propped on her knees.

Momo tapped her foot on the step, head buzzing by the defending sound of her thoughts as they came back. She couldn't even do that successfully, push the thoughts that tortured her away even for a while.

"I don't think you're a disappointment." a soft voice spoke, whimpers and soundless groans escaping the figure that settled next to Momo.

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