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Sobs echoed in Momo's room, bouncing on the walls and coming back louder. There was true sorrow behind Dahyun's cries, like a part of her was dying.

"Please let me help you," Momo spoke "Talk to me."

Dahyun's shoulders moved up and down, bringing her knees up to her face and hugging them. She let herself cry louder, letting everything she hasn't in years out. Momo on the other hand was determined to not let this go, to talk to her. She would do everything to take her pain away, to bring that bright smile back.

"I'm here," the older said, scooting just a little bit closer "Deep breaths in and out."

Momo didn't expect Dahyun to listen to her, but she did and in a few minutes the younger had stopped sobbing. The heartbreaking sound of her wailing was replaced with the one of sniffles as she still kept her head burried between her knees.

"Good job," Momo praised "Now, do you trust me?"

"O-Of course I do." Dahyun's shaky voice sounded muffled.

"Alright, then," the older slowly placed a hand on Dahyun's shoulder "Can you tell me what happened?" she lowly asked, waiting for her reaction on physicall contact to continue moving closer.

"H-He touched me." Dahyun said, her voice getting caught up in her throat.

"Myungsoo?" Momo questioned, balling the hand that wasn't on Dahyun's shoulder into a fist.

The younger nodded, breathing deeply through her nose and out of her mouth like Momo told her to do. In fact, the breathing helped her not to break down again. 

"Did you feel comfortable with it?" the brunette asked again, although the answer was pretty obvious.

"No, I-I didn't," Dahyun stuttered "He tried going for—" she stopped, a few whimpers spilling from her mouth.

"It's okay," Momo said, moving her hand on her back "You tried telling him to stop?"

"I did!" the younger exhaled frustrated "But he wouldn't, unnie. He wouldn't!" she raised her voice, hands gripping her hair as she fell into a fit of sobs once more.

The atmoshpere was heavy and Momo knew she had to take it easy on Dahyun. She was willing to spend all morning just trying to hear her talk about what happened, even if that meant worrying her roomate. Besides, it was Saturday. There weren't any classes.

"Alright, take your time," Momo calmly spoke, stroking the girl's back a few times "You tried to leave after he wouldn't stop?"

"Yeah, yeah I tried," the girl shook "He took me on a tree house for the date and I fell." she spoke and when she didn't panic at the hand caressing her back, Momo moved a little more towards her. 

"And then you ran," the brunette said, now kneeling in front of the girl "Right?"

"Yes unnie," Dahyun still had her head in between her knees and hands around them "He reminded me of him, of that day."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Momo's voice came out as a whisper, she felt worry built up in the pit of her stomach and slowly working it's way to the rest of her body "You know I'm always here no matter what."

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