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"Come on, Sana-ssi." Jihyo groaned, as the taller girl dragged her to the campus' cafeteria in the early morning just a few days after their first phone call.

"I think I told you to refer to me informally," Sana pouted "Besides, you need to get out of your dorm." she smiled and pushed open the door.

The cafeteria was empty, only a couple of studens who had pulled all nighters and visited to grab a cup of coffee to survive the rest of the day were sitting there.

"This isn't a part of the assignment." Jihyo mumbled and took a seat when the girl urged her to.

After their first phone call, Sana took an instant liking on the shorter. She didn't think of it as a romantic interest, just a person she'd like to get to know better. 

"I wanted to take you away from you books, miss clever." Sana smiled after she returned with two cups of tea and two donuts in her hands.

"Reading is what I love, Sana." Jihyo replied, looking puzzled when Sana handed her the cup "Wait, how do you know I like tea better than coffee?"

"I payed attetion to you," Sana shrugged, smirking "I'm a good listener."

"Or you just asked my friends," the girl across of her furrowed her eyebrows "Did you?"

"Aw come on!" Sana whined "How would you even know?"

"I'm clever, you said it yourself," Jihyo laughed "Also, I never talk about it. Whenever I do, people think I'm an old lady." she faceplamed, glancing at Sana's direction.

"Coffee is bad." 

"Don't change the subject."

"You're falsely accusing me of something and I don't exactly know what it is." Sana glanced back, happily taking a bite off her donut.

"I'm not accusing," the girl shrugged "I was just curious on why would you even ask my friends what I like."

Sana grinned, setting her donut down next to her untouched cup of tea. She took a deep breath in and relaxed in her very uncomfortable chair.

"Because I wanted to make you smile in this very annoyingly busy and tiring Friday morning." she admited "And also wanted to get to know more about you."

"So you had to ask my friends?"

"I'm just being a nice person." Sana said, bringing her hands up in surrender.

"And?" Jihyo held in a giggle when Sana's powder stained face fell.

"Okay," the blonde sighed "I wanted to make a good impression, alright? Why you gotta be so smart?"

"Ah," Jihyo hummed "That's better."

"Making a fool of myself?"

"Nope," the girl spoke "Just being truthful and a gentlewoman, just what I like."

Sana's face lit up and the biggest smile was visible on her face as she hapilly shook her body around, trying somehow to show how happy she was without screaming. It was too really early in the morning anyway.

"What are you doing?" Jihyo asked in between giggles.

"Happy dancing," Sana said, wiggling her eyebrows "AGH--" 

The blonde squealed as she knocked her cup off the table and on her lap, the hot tea burning her legs and lower stomach.

"Oh my Gosh!" Jihyo laughed more as she ran to help clean Sana up.

The shorter kneeled just before her and grabbed a few tissues that Sana had brought before sitting down earlier, and tried drying her pants while Sana whined in pain.

"I think you need to get out of these." Jihyo said, pointing at Sana's pants.

"W-What?" Sana said, weirdly blushing at Jihyo's comment.

The blonde was always confident and made sure to make her dates flustered with flirting at the most random times, but today Sana was the one getting flustered and it strangely felt amazing. 

"Your pants, silly," Jihyo groaned "You'll get a serious burn if you keep them on."

"I can't just take them out here, Jihyo!" Sana scolded, earning a sigh from the girl next to her.

"I meant that you need to go back to your dorm and change."

"But I live too far away from here," she pouted "And I don't want to leave. Let's just stay here."

"Nope, get up!" Jihyo almost shouted "Let's walk back to your dorm together. I'll tag along."

"Really?" Sana asked, showing her best smile to Jihyo.

The girl didn't believe Jihyo would care so much. She thought the shorter was mad at her from dragging her out of the dorm at seven in the morning when she had repeatedly said she wanted to read.

"Yes, I don't want you to get hurt," Jihyo said, grabbing Sana's arm "Now, let's go!"


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