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Wrapped up legs rested next to Momo's as the latter raised her head to find Dahyun sitting beside her, gaze stuck on the night sky.

"What are you doing here?" Momo asked "How did you walk down the stairs by yourself and your wheelchair, where is it? You will hurt yourself."

Dahyun giggled, eyes moving on Momo's worried figure next to her for a second before looking up again "I'm taking a break. Don't worry."

There weren't any stars on the sky tonight, much to Dahyun's disappointment, but the moon was beautiful. Though she figured Momo was there to watch neither. She had her head in between her hands, anxiously breathing in and out.

"I wanted to thank you, for helping me." the younger spoke up.

This time, the one refusing to talk was Momo as she rocked back and forth. Her body was slouched and her fingers clutched the fabric of her pants.

"What's on your mind?" she spoke again, reaching to fix the bandages on her legs.

The question took Momo aback, causing her to look at the younger with brows furrowed.

"The fact that I indeed am a disappointment?" the brunette said, turning to face Dahyun.

"I don't get why you would think that." stated Dahyun.

"Because of the fact I started that awful chant that probably has never left your head ever since!" Momo was confused by the younger's behaviour. The girl had been ignoring her for so long yet now wants to know why she's frustrated. It really made no sense.

"It really hasn't," Dahyun laughed "But what can you do?"

"What do you mean? Cut the people who hurt you like that off." Momo threw her hands up in frustration, sighing.

"That would mean everyone," the younger said "People say a lot of things they don't really mean."

The brunette groaned, head lowering once again as she tried not to scream at herself. She was truly a bad person, she didn't deserve Dahyun.

"Do you see the moon?" the younger asked, pointing at it "Doesn't it look upset up there, now that it doesn't have the company of the stars?"

Momo looked up, following the younger's finger. It was true, nights like this the moon seemed lonely and the sky strange. The stars decorating it always made it look attractive.

"The moon and the stars look good together, but when they're co-existing in the sky the moon always get overshadowed by the beautiful sparkling bodies," explained Dahyun "Everyone admires the stars when they are shining bright, but not the moon that is always there for them in the darkness of the night and provides them with it's strong light even when the stars are gone."

Dahyun's voice was soft and her lips curved into a small smile as she talked. She liked the night sky, she was intrested in stars and constellations. The younger would stay up until late trying to explain to Momo about them, she was passionate and the brunette found it cute. She admired how despite her struggles, Dahyun always found something to bring her happiness. It didn't have to be a person. Momo herself didn't think she could've ever done that if she hadn't found dance.

"That kinda explains my situation," she continued and Momo hummed in curiosity "Let's say I'm the moon and everyone who decided to dislike me because of my father are the stars. If they leave, I have nothing to fight for. Whereas, if they're here, trying to bring me down thinking I'm weak, I can rise bright and strong and prove them the exact opposite. In the end, I'm still the one shining the most. Because I know me, what I stand for and believe in, not fake news. I strive to improve, be a better person, unlike the ones who criticize me."

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