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"Ah," Sana breathed out "We're finally here." she said, putting in the password for the dorm door to open.

Sana lived almost outside of campus, where there weren't many other people. Usually, the more quiet students would pick that side of the campus as it took a while to walk from there to the other side, where the cafeteria, bathrooms and classes were. Meaning it was very quiet, no parties or annoyingly loud students needing coffee ever bothered them. Jihyo had questioned Sana about her choice to live there as she found it bizarre, the girl was very social. Sana said it didn't matter where she lived, she could always make friends wherever she was.

"It's really beautiful," Jihyo said as she took her shoes off "Who decorated it?"

"I did," Sana chimed while handing a pair of slides to Jihyo "You like it?"

"Mhm." the girl hummed and looked around as Sana quickly ran to change clothes.

"I hope you don't mind if I take a quick shower while I'm at i," Sana announced and peeked her head from the bathroom door. "Also, I'm keeping this scarf you gave me untilㅣwash it. It's stained with tea."

It was the first time Jihyo had seen her without her hair tied. Sana usually preferred wearing it in a ponytail, or a messy bun because 'They look ugly from all the bleaching and will only let them down when I get treatment'. But Jihyo thought they looked just fine, the worn off blonde color on her hair seemed pretty.

"No, it okay take your time," Jihyo smiled "And keep the scarf, it's all yours now." she said, eyeing the scarf that laid on the table. Jihyo had given it to her so she could cover up her stained pants and shirt as they walked back to her dorm a few minutes ago.

The girl shut the door, encouraging Jihyo to take a better look at the quite big dorm of Sana's. And honestly, Jihyo reckoned it was too big for one person, especially Sana, who was out most of time during the day..and night.

Jihyo walked around, examining the big bookshelf that was placed just next to a small couch. The girl smiled, did Sana read books? From what it seemed she didn't really like reading, although her major was philosophy.

"My parents forced me to take it," Sana had said once, awkwardly chuckling "They made me move from Japan here and study."

Jihyo felt slightly bad for the girl. She had moved to a foreign country, barely knowing the language while forced to major in something she didn't quite enjoy. Sighing, she grazed her fingers over the books on the bookshelf grimancing at their titles.

Most of them, were medical stuff and Jihyo had a weird fear of everything that had to do with hospitals, especially blood. It occurred to her though, how could Sana not like studying but still read medical books. The girl was absolutely random and confusing, Jihyo mumbled internally while letting the books go and resting on the couch.

"Hey, Sana?" a voice sounded and a tall figured pushed open the door of the dorm "Today I had lab so early I could barely form a sentence and this freaking professor—"

Jihyo shot up from her seat, her eyes opened wide as a small gasp left her lips.


"Hi?" the girl said, leaving her shoes close to the door "Who are you?"

"Park Jihyo," Jihyo said and bowed "A friend of Sana's."

"I see," the girl said "Well I'm—"

"Tzuyu-ah!" Sana squealed, getting out of the bathroom and running to hug the taller.

"Hello." the tall girl laughed and Jihyo frowned. She looked so pretty and seemed younger too. Her attire matched to the few books she was holding, medical books. She looked like someone who was very smart, Jihyo thought and the white coat she wore proved she was actually the owner of all the books on the bookshelf.

"How was your day, baby Tzu?" Sana asked, trying to pinch the girl's cheek only to be pushed away. "I saw you met my friend Jihyo too."

"Yeah, I did," the girl who apparently was named Tzuyu spoke and ran her fingers through her hair "But I didn't get to introduce myself. You literally just sprinted from the bathroom and almost killed me." she whined.

Jihyo just stood and watched the two as casually talked, Sana in just a towel and Tzuyu in her very fancy looking lab coat. She didn't really know what to believe of their relationship and felt stupid when she quietly scoffed every time they hugged. She didn't want to feel jealous, it's not like she was interested in Sana. Jihyo was straight, for the love of God, why be jealous.

"I'm Tzuyu, by the way," the girl smiled "Chou Tzuyu."

"Nice to meet you," Jihyo said while forcing a smile "I-I have to go now."


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