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"Where are your car keys?" Momo asked, flinging open the door to her best friend's room.

"What the fuck Momo?!" the girl squealed, covering her body with her bedsheets.


"Can't you see I'm fucking busy?" Nayeon retorted, motioning to the girl next to her on the bed, who had already drifted to sleep "What do you need my car keys for exactly?"

"Just tell me where the fuck they are," Momo shouted "I don't have time for this!"

Nayeon groaned and pointed over at a pair of jeans tossed in the other side of the room. Momo wasted no time as she ran, stepping over a line of clothes and finally reaching her roommate's while frantically searching in it's pockets.

"You're welcome, motherfucker." the older rolled her eyes, watching Momo rush out of her room.

"Yeah, whatever," the brunnete snorted "I love you, use protection. Bye!" she lastly said before banging the door closed and running out of the pair's dorm.

Momo loved her roomate, Nayeon, but swore sometimes she wanted to kill her. They've known each other since Momo can remember herself and the older was actually the one who introduced Mina to her. Even if jokingly saying she regretted it, Momo was thankful.

"Come on." the girl hissed, trying to open the door to Nayeon's car only to realize it was locked.

With a dramatic moan of frustation, Momo opened the door and sat on the drivers seat while simultaneously trying to put the keys in the ignition. The girl didn't have her license yet, but could still drive (kinda). Nayeon had taught her how to on the night of Momo's sixteenth birthday, when she stole her mother's car in attempts of picking Mina up and taking her on a date on the beach she so wanted to go. Though this wasn't a time to be thinking about Mina, Momo reminded herself as she drove out of campus, wrecking her brain for some possible places Dahyun would be at. Because from Chaeyoung's texts she grew worried, getting the idea of Dahyun possibly being in danger. And Momo didn't want that, she wanted the girl to be safe and sound and the suspicions about Myungsoo to be wrong.

Her first thought was passing by the series of cafes and restaurants just outside of campus, in hopes of finding her somewhere.

"Shit." she mumbled when she speeded with the car past the shops, realizing they were all closed at this hour. It was almost two in the morning, anyway.

She then thought of going to the arcade that wasn't very far from where she actually was at the moment. It was open twenty four hours a day and the destination of many dates from students living in campus. And that she did, rolling down the windows because she felt like she was suffocating and sweating profusely.

As she drove, the faint sound of the wheels against the dry asphalt kept her in this world because, honestly, she thought she would be floating if not reminded by their screeching she was driving. Her mind was traveling places and not in a good way, it was stuck in a continuous and very ugly loop of a world where Dahyun was hurt.

Although Momo didn't know Dahyun for that long to feel so emotionally connected to her, she couldn't help herself. It was like she was seeing her grade school self, naive and excited to live, but too scared. And in some way Momo didn't want Dahyun to devolve to the person she was now, careless and numb. She couldn't stand imagining that bright smile of hers losing it's volume, her lively voice quieting down. She didn't want Dahyun to change like she did, change for the worse.

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