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Momo hadn't realized what was going on. All she did was enter the concert hall and go straight to the backstage rooms when an explosion happened. It was like in the action movies, though she found herself panicking when the fire spread too quickly.

It had started getting extremely hot, the clouds of smoke had already settled as the brunette broke open the door of the backstage room to get out. The door was old, unlike the rest of the building, and breaking it was an accomplishment Momo needed to be proud of in order to not curl up in a ball and cry.

Running down the stage, she fell on her knees as she navigated to the exit. There seemed to be a few people in the room, some knocked at the back of it because of the explosion and some just laying on the floor. It only made Momo wonder how long it took for her to break the door.

She was just a few steps closer to getting out, the light of the day invaded the room from the a small opening on the door of the main hall that was covered with already burnt pieces of wood that fell from the ceiling. Momo could use all her strength to push them away and run out before the fire got to her or another explosion happens or stay there and wait for someone to help her out.

Pushing her way out meant spending all her oxygen and barely making it out without collapsing while waiting meant she had at least fifteen to twenty minutes of breath to wait for someone to come.

"Fuck this." she mumbled, deciding to go with pushing her way out.

Momo was sweating, shaking, and loosing her breath as she got the last piece of wood out of the way and came face to face with Mina who was standing just a few steps away. Momo turned her head back to look in the concert hall one more time as Mina shouted for her to get out. However, Momo's her eyes were fixated on something. An object whose glow was clear enough over the thick smoke clouds filling the room.

"Momo where are you going?" Mina asked when she saw the girl taking her shirt off, putting it over her head and going back inside.

The glow was blue and the object which it came from didn't seem to be big in size.

Dahyun's necklace.

Dahyun was in the room and in no way Momo would let her or her friends stay in there.

In Momo's mind, saving her friend was better than saving herself. It had been a while since she realized her relationship with Dahyun was always the younger providing her comfort about Mina and what happened in the past. Momo came to the conclusion that she was always putting herself before Dahuyun, always sulking over how much she was hurt by Mina and never considering how Dahyun was doing. How she was feeling. There were a lot of aspects of her personality the older didn't know while Dahyun knew almost everything. So saving her, for once putting herself second, would be the first step on getting to really know Dahyun. Learn about embarassing family stories, consult her about her trauma, anything that included some time of the younger doing the talking instead of Momo.

The fire had started to spread everywhere, being on your knees and as close to the floor as possible didn't really help your breathing anymore. Momo had started to cough profusely, her lungs filling up with smoke as she felt light headed. The room started to spin and the fire getting stronger by the minute. Momo's thoughts were clouded, her eyes closed for a while and she lost all sight of Dahyun or any other familiar person in the room.

A strong pain in her chest and a tap on her shoulder made Momo finally open her eyes, looking up at some man in a suit that didn't talk, only signaled her to get out before she collapsed. The man helped her up, held her by the waist as she stumbled and fell back down. It was pathetic, and Momo hated herself for being weak again while the man carried her out of the concert hall.

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