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Elegantly, Mina pushed herself off the chair and signaled to the waiter she will be back before making her way near the door. Putting her phone in her purse, the girl opened the door and looked at a familiar figure staring back at her. A frown replaced the thin smile she had on her face as she locked eyes with Momo, who immediately jumped from her seat and carelessly dropped the menu she was holding.

"Mina please wait!" the brunette said in one breath, stepping away from the table.

"I'm sorry, I can't now." Mina replied, turning her back on Momo who had already walked behind her.

"Look, we need to talk," Momo said as she hesitantly touched the girl's shoulder "It's urgent."

"What do you want?" the younger flinched and brushed Momo's hands off her shoulder "I need to go."

Without listening to the older's pleads, Mina walked out of the restaurant with her head low. Mina knew her too well, though, and was sure she wouldn't be able to get away from her.

"Mina, please!" Momo said, biting on her bottom lip to bear the pain from the heels "I want to move on, like you did. This will help me."

"I can't. Not now."

"Just tell me the truth, that's the only thing I ask," the brunette continued "And then I'll leave you alone."

Mina brought her hands to her face, sighing as she brushed some strands away. The dim lighting of the street lamps, barely illuminated the block. Momo had to squint her eyes hard to read Mina's expression and when she did, she smiled. Her tenacity got her to talk. It worked, like it always did.

Mina opened the door for Momo and motioned for her to sit on the latter's table, both momentarily putting their dates aside.

"Are you sure you want the truth?" Mina asked, audibly gulping and fannig her face with her hand as if to prepare herself.

Did Momo really want the truth? To this day, she had settled on the idea of Mina being a bad person and leaving her. Though, both of them knew this was not the case. Mina was not a bad person and even if she tried to be, she would fail miserably.

"Yes, yes I do." was the brunette's answer. This had to be done. Now or never.

"Alright," the tension between the girls got getting thicker as the seconds passed while Mina tried hard to find the perfect way of explaining the situation they were in "It has to do with my father."

Momo brows furrowed, why would professor Ahn had to do anything with their love that was thrown away by Mina?


"Remember the night at my birthday, where you took your mothers car without permission and license?" Mina smiled, she always had fun with Momo.

"And we got arrested, yes," the brunette nodded "But what does this have to do with your dad?"

"Let me explain."

It was pretty stupid, how the pair had ended up at the police station and as much as Mina wanted to blame Momo, she couldn't.

"What am I going to do with you?" she whispered to the girl soundlessly asleep next to her, her brown locks ticking Mina's face as her head laid on the younger's shoulder.

Today was Mina's birthday and Momo wanted to take her on a date in a place too far away for two teenagers to walk to. So she had the brilliant idea to take her mother's car without her knowing and pick Mina up. The worst part of it was that Momo was crazy enough to drive the car without a license and when they almost caused an accident and the police came, they both knew they were in trouble.

Sitting on the waiting room of the police station for their parents, Momo had fallen asleep on Mina's shoulder. It was quite late and the older girl had spent all day practicing a dance routine for the team she was in.

"I love you so much, but why are you so reckless all the time?" Mina questioned, cold fingertips grazing over the curve of Momo's jawline before brushing her messy bangs away. A pair of lips left a lingering kiss on the rarely exposed skin of the girl's forehead and her own eyes closed, head resting against Momo's as she intertwined their fingers.

The police station was quiet at this hour, only the secretary behind her desk and the officers in the back rooms were awake and awaiting for anyone in needed of their help.

Mina shifted in her seat, another kiss laying on Momo's lips this time as the door opened. The distinctive sound of the bell echoed as the man in casual attire entered the station, his mouth agape as Momo woke up and rubber her eyes, watching Mina storm off the police station with her father following behind.

"He didn't like what he saw." Mina said, a pained smile forming on her face. Her palms had started sweating and her heartbeat intensifying.

"We wasn't supportive of us," Momo sighed "That's why you left so suddenly and pretended you didn't know me?"

The older's voice was getting shaky. Her first real talk with Mina after being ignored and hurt had to be the most emotional one and she could lie to herself, saying it's nothing terrible the girl was about her tell her. However she couldn't, Momo still recognized the way Mina's eyes darkened when having to deliver bad or shocking news.

"Not only that." she whispered.

"What is it? Tell me, Mina!" Momo was getting desperate as the minutes passing felt like hours.

Mina ran out of the police station, disappointed with her father's reaction to her having a relationship with a girl. The man chased after her, shouting her name over and over.

"That's why I never tell you about my personal stuff," it was one of the first times professor Ahn had heard his daughter shout "You will never support me! Not you or mom."

The man launched forward, capturing his daughter in a embrace in order for her to stop. Regardless of the emotion put into it, Mina squirmed and hit her father's hands away. If he wasn't supportive then she didn't need him.

"Mina, please listen to me!" the man said, expression softening when hearing his daughter's quiet sobs "You can't be with her, you can't be with Momo."

"Why, tell me a reason as to why I can't!" Mina cried louder while breaking free from the embrace "Just admit you don't want your precious daughter being a lesbian! Just say already."

"This isn't it, Mina," he pleaded "Please calm down."

"What is it?" the brunette cried "I thought you liked her! Wait mom doesn't, right?"

"No," professor Ahn sighed "I haven't been entirely honest with you or your mother."

"Bullshit! You just want me to marry someone from the empire."

"Mina, calm down."

"Tell me, dad. Just do-"

"I cheated on your mother," he sighed "Before you were even born."

"W-What?" Mina felt dizzy all of a sudden "And what has Momo to do with this?"

"Honey, Momo.." professor Ahn, pressed the bridge of his nose and groaned.

There was no simple way of explaining what he had done, especially to his daughter who he had already hurt deeply by making her believe he is supportive of her.

"We're sisters, Momo."

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