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We ran through the dark corridors, frantically looking around at every intersection for a speck of blue in this house of hell.

James was teleporting around so much, he was like a flickering projection next to us.

'I can't sense him,' Phil complained from beside me, 'there are too many people with different kinds of magic.'

'Wait,' I said, holding my hand up. James materialized in front of us.

'Your team is here,' he panted, 'I told them to wait. The rune barrier around the fortress is keeping them out, but they're getting impatient.'

I nodded. 'That's just as well,' I said, 'because I caught Happy's scent. He's this way.'

Phil nodded, a little surprised, and followed me down a corridor. James disappeared.

'Phil?' I asked as we fast-walked. She hummed in response, her body tense, looking back continuously.

I finally got fed up with it.

'Stop it,' I commanded, 'I'll be able to hear or smell anyone who comes.'

She sighed and looked at me.

'What did you want to ask?'

'How did you know I was a Dragon Slayer?'

She was silent for a few minutes.

'Even before I taught you my attacks, you were already familiar with Crystal Magic,' Phil said, after a long pause. 'I could sense different magic coming from you. I recognized it because I had sensed the same thing with Natsu and Laxus. You had Dragon Slayer magic. But there was something else.'

My brow furrowed.

'What do you mean?' I asked. She shrugged.

'In my entire life, I've never sensed anything like it,' she replied, 'So don't have a name for it. But...' she paused.

'What?' I asked. She looked at me, her eyes sad.

'It's dark magic,' she said, 'powerful, and... evil. Magic that could even beat the Four.'

I froze. 'What?!' I hissed.

Magic that could beat Death Magic????!!!!

Magic... darker than Death Magic?

Goosebumps rose on my arms. I started shaking.

'No, no!' Phil said, 'It's not that bad!'

It did nothing to calm me down. Phil's senses were always right, always. If she says it was there, it was there.

She grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look into her eyes.

'Stop!' she hissed, 'You're causing an earthquake!'

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

'That's better,' Phil said, as the rumblings stopped.

'You're magic isn't all bad,' Phil said, 'it's dark, but not evil. Do you understand?'

I shook my head.

Wasn't all dark magic evil?

Phil grabbed my hand and started fast-walking again.

'Look,' she said, 'almost all Lost and Ancient magic is classified as "dark". That's what I meant.

I sighed in relief, then looked up in alarm at another thought.

'Do you mean I have Ancient Magic in me?'

Phil nodded.

'But...' I trailed off, 'I only use Crystal Magic. No other kind.'

Phil shrugged. 'It's in you,' she said, 'and I don't know what it is. I've been everywhere, but I've never sensed anything like it before. And that fact that you've never used it or don't even know its there...' she paused, 'worries me.'

'What's the worst that could happen?' I asked. Phil gave me a sideways glance, then looked straight ahead.

'If you're in a life or death situation,' she said, 'and you're completely drained of your magic power, then that magic could come out. And since you don't know how to control it...'

'I could kill someone,' I gasped.

'Or, yourself,' Phil reminded.

We came to a fork and I tugged her into the right corridor.

'Forget it,' I said, 'now's not the time. Happy's close. Let's win this war, then worry about his stupid magic in me.'

There was only one doorway in this corridor. I ran towards it, Phil right behind me. Just before I could barge in, she stopped me.

'What?' I hissed, thoroughly pissed off.

Happy was right there!

'That's the throne room,' Phi' said, 'people could enter any second.'

'I have my disguise and I'll be able to smell them.'

'No, you won't,' Phil snapped. Just then, James appeared.

I fumed for a second as he gave me a stern look, understanding the situation at once.

'Fine,' I gave up. Phil smiled a little, out her finger to her lips, telling me to stay quiet, caught James' hand and went through the doorway.

I slumped against the wall. 


Hey guys!

So, what do you think Star's secret magic is?

Comment section's all yours!

I apologize again for the short chapter. Also, this will possibly be the last update for the month, sorry!

Thanks for reading,

Please vote and comment,

Enjoy life,


Crystal, Ice and Fire ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora