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I ran and James teleported. But Phil stopped to grab our bags, which were a little down the path, in the opposite direction. 'Don't wait for me!' she yelled. James appeared and was about to turn back, but I stopped him. 'Just reach the station!' I yelled. 'We'll pull the emergency break if we have to.'

'You realise we could get arrested, right?'

'No one messes with the mages of Fairy Tail.'

He murmured something like, 'It doesn't work that way...' But I didn't pay attention. We just ran on ahead. The name Fairy Tail seemed to give him motivation to run faster. I decided to use that as fuel, too.

We ran under the arch, and into the busy streets. We entered the town square. 'That way!' James yelled, pointing. I ran, and he teleported. At each turn, he would appear to guide me in the right direction. Without him, I never would've reached in time. Finally, the station came in sight. I ran towards it, desperate now. James was already in the train. I made a dash towards it, but then stopped.

I may need to pull the emergency break, I thought. Might as well be ready. So, I ran for the emergency brake. I was a huge lever, well-oiled and ready. I looked to see Phil come in sight from the station. Normally, she would be faster than this, but the bags weighed her down. Some voice over the speakers announced, 'Last call for train leaving for Fiore. Last call.'

The porter blew his whistle, and the doors started to close. Phil was five steps away from entering the station. My hand tensed on the brake. Then everything blurred.

And then we were inside the train.

'You teleported us!' Phil exclaimed, and hugged a panting James. I just grinned. 'Awesome, man,' I said. 'The next train was leaving tomorrow evening.' He smiled, and then frowned at Phil. 'What did you put in those bags?' he asked, suspiciously. Her eyes widened. 'Um... nothing?' She said it more like a question than an answer.

He glared at her, then he turned to me. 'Star,' he said. 'Check the bags.' I smiled. 'With pleasure.' Phil begged with her eyes to not do it. But of course, I didn't listen. I opened a bag, only to find.... Lots and lots of stuff in gift-wrapping paper.

'What is this?' James asked. She looked out of the window, stubbornly. 'Gifts,' she said. I rolled my eyes. 'For everyone in Fairy Tail?' James exclaimed. 'No,' she snapped. 'Just a few selected people.' He rolled his eyes. 'And by that you mean half the guild.' She huffed. I laughed.

'Come on, James,' I said. 'Let it be. It's all over now. We change trains at one more station... and bam! We'll be at Fairy Tail!' He smiled his half smile. 'Yes,' he agreed. Then, he collapsed, snoring, on Phil's shoulder. She chuckled. 'He always acts tough, the big guy,' she mused.

I rolled my eyes. 'Anyway,' I said. 'Tell me more!' She looked confused. 'About what?' she asked. I gave her the "are you kidding" me look. She still didn't get it. 'fairy tail, of course!' I exploded. She laughed. 'Haven't you heard enough over the past two years?' I shook my head vigorously. 'No way,' I said. 'Tell me more!' She laughed again, and started.

'Okay,' she said. 'So, first, there's Master Makarov. He's crazy powerful, but rarely shows it. Then come the S-Class wizards. Mira-jane, Erza, Laxus, Gildarts and... let me see... yes! Mystery Man.' I looked confused. 'Who's mystery man?' I asked. 'You've never mentioned him before.' She sighed. 'He like to call himself Mystogan. He never shows his face to anyone. Whenever he comes to take a job, he puts everyone to sleep.

'Once I was eating pasta, and he came. When I woke up, I had pasta sticking to my face and a plate over my eyes. I will never forgive him for that.' I laughed. 'Okay,' I said. 'Tell me more.' She sighed. Apart from us, that's it for the S-Class wizards. Now come some worthwhile mentions.'

So the rest of the trip was spent listening to the antics of Natsu, the stiffness of Erza, the ravings of Elfman, the transformation of Mira-jane into a demon, the obsession Jet had with Levy, and Erza again, with her re-equipping. I laughed my guts out when I heard that Phil and James had once taken embarrassing photos of everyone in Fairy Tail, and had made a secret album, known only to the master.

'You should've seen him laugh,' Phil said.

They had shown it to everyone eventually, and it had caused a great uproar. A fight had broken out for the possession of the album, destroying the interior of the guild and finally, the album itself. But what everyone didn't know was that Phil ad James had kept a copy for themselves. They finally decided to hide it, as they knew what would happen if anyone ever found it. When I asked her for how long it was going to be hidden, she said, 'Only until someone who holds all of my affection ad trust finds it.'

I was confused, but I let it go. I secretly wondered who that would be.

Finally, we reached one of the cities on the outskirts of Fiore. From there, we took another train to Magnolia, and then....


'WE'RE HERE!!!' Phil and I shouted together, as the train stopped. Fast as lightning, we grabbed our bags, hopped of the train, and ran out of the station. 'WHERE IS IT?' I yelled at Phil.







(LET'S GO!!!)

Madly, I ran out of the station, Phil followed in the same manner. James... well you must know how he is by now.


Phil turned a sharp right. I followed. I suddenly realised church bells were ringing. In the back of my mind, I wondered why. Phil took another sharp turn. I was right behind her. We ran along a path beside a river. Finally, she took another turn. I turned after her, and crashed into her back. 'We're here,' she whispered in awe.

'Fairy Tail.'


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Hello, minna!


**lets out deep breath**

These guys finally got to Fairy Tail! It  took three chapters. Anyway, while you wait, I'll give you a spoiler for the next chapter. If the chapter is available to you, don't waste time reading this! As for those of you who have to wait....  well, only a small spoiler. She meets Gray! Okay, that's it, nothing more.

Keep up! I'll update in a few days. Expect one by the end of this week!

Yours evilly,

**insert maniac laugh**


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