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A few days later, the renovations were almost complete. Thankfully, everyone had helped to get Erza's thousands of strawberry cakes out, because there was no way I would be able to get them out alone. But with that many people, I knew things weren't going to go as smoothly as I'd hoped. 

Dragneel had "accidentally" dropped a cake on Gray's face when he had bent down to tie his shoelaces. 

And that was the start of the Cake War. 

It was almost worse than the War of the Four, as people had begun to call it. Word had leaked about the Four and their Death Magic. My money was onSabertooth. They had never liked us anyway. 

During the cake war, everyone was throwing cake on one another, having face stuffing competitions or building slingshots to see who could launch cakes the furthest. 

It was a frosty hell. 

I vaguely remember the start, after Dragneel. Gray had then aimed a shot at him, which he dodged and the cake hit Jet instead. Jet's shot then hit Laxus (poor guy was shaking) then Laxus hit me, I trying hit back only for him to disappear and trip me from behind. I slipped and smashed the cake on Cana's face instead. 

Then Dragneel and Gray tried to ambush me with cake and I ducked, so they smashed the cake into each other's faces. It was a funny sight. The cycle continued until it became an organized competition with a large crowd watching. 

Sometime later, all the cake was on the ground, on us or on the walls of the mansion. One we all collapsed in a heap out of tiredness, only one thought ran through my head. 

Thank the dragon Erza is not here. 

She would bury us alive. 

'Crap!' I yelled and stood up. 

'What?' Laxus lazily asked, licking frosting off his fingers. I stared at him in horror. 



'EVERYONE START CLEANING UP NOW!!!!'  Master commanded. 

Everyone was up and about like their lives depended on it including me, because, if you think about it, it did. 

Alas, we were too late.

A roar was heard from behind us. 

'MY CAKE!!!'


'Ouch,' was all I could say. Even though Erza had beaten all of us up yesterday, Dragneel and Gray had gotten the worst of it, for being the people to start the Cake War. They were covered from head to toe in bandages. 

Well, they deserved it. 

I walked out of the guild and through the streets of Magnolia. Usually the baka, Erza, Happy and I went home together, but today I thought it was best to keep my distance since Erza was still extremely pissed at the two. 

The sun was starting to set and the sky was a beautiful orange. I decided to go to my favourite spot by the river and stay there for a while. As soon as I got there, I lay down with my toes by the edge of the water. 

'I thought I would find you here.' 

I was immediately on my feet and in a fighting stance. I whirled around to face the dark alleyway between two buildings by the riverside. 

'Who's there?!' I shouted, 'Show yourself!' 

'Jeez, Star,' came the reply, 'don't be so pokey.' 

I blinked and relaxed my stance. 

'James?' I whispered in disbelief. 

'Finally, you get it.'

I ran to the alleyway, ready to throw my arms around him, but he just materialized further back. 

'What's wrong?'

'Nothing,' was the shaky reply. 

Tears came to my eyes when I heard him so broken. He was far from over Phil's death and I reminded him too much of her. Of course, I wasn't either, but the album had helped me come to terms with it. 

In that instant, I knew exactly what to do. I slowly walked towards him and took his hand. 

'Teleport us to the mansion,' I gently instructed. 

'What?' he asked, baffled. 

'The huge house at the outskirts of town, owned by no one?'

He nodded. A millisecond later, we were standing in front of the double oak doors. I pushed them open and dragged him inside. 

'Come on!' I urged, going up to my former bedroom, which was now part of a gigantic library. I pushed the door open to reveal a secret section only members bearing the Fairy Tail mark could enter. 

James gaped at the object in the spotlight. 

'She... gave it to you?' he whispered. I nodded. 

'And do you know why?' I asked. I knew he knew but he just didn't want to admit it. 

'Because she didn't want us to cry,' I said, 'you both didn't. You guys wanted us to spend our days laughing with family.'

I walked up to the book and picked it up. I then placed it in James' hands. A smile crept upon his features as he opened it. 

'She sure is something,' James muttered. I laughed. 'I had almost forgotten these,' he continued, 'we went through hell and back to get them.' 

I smiled. 

'They're worth it.'



I hoped you're enjoying all the festivities. I, personally, am having a lot of fun. Thank you for all your love and support throughout this year!! I love ya'll!!!

Thanks for reading,

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Have a holly, jolly Christmas,


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