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After all the gems were in sacks and Glide was in custody, we came back into the town and booked a hotel room. I was exhausted.

We took two rooms, connected to each other. There were two bathrooms, which the boys went into immediately. Erza and I talked till they came out. Then we went in ourselves.

When I came out, there was a snoring maker magic wizard in one bed and a Dragon Slayer in the other. Erza was out before me and was sleeping on the couch in Gray's room. I peeked into Dragneel's room.

No couch.

I face-palmed.

What am I supposed to do now?

Well, there is one other option.

I went into the bathroom where Erza had taken a bath. Mine didn't have a tub.

When I entered, I found a very annoying blue cat snoring in it.

Man, how I hate that cat.

But anyway, just because I took a long, relaxing bath doesn't mean that I don't get a place to sleep!

I couldn't sleep in Gray's room, it was too stuffy.

And I also didn't want him to.... make any wrong assumptions.

So, I had no choice.

I took a deep breath, went to the adjourning room and faced Dragneel.

I saw something I didn't expect.

He was grimacing in his sleep, twitching involuntarily.

I was at his side in an instant.

I put my hand on his forehead.

He was hot.

No, you dirty minds, he had a fever. I remembered Happy not telling him to eat the lacrima because it would make him sick.

He clearly wasn't feeling well, but he still stood up and fought?

I smiled.

He was a persistent guy.

But... that wasn't going to help with the fever.

I wet a cloth and wiped his face with it. He leaned into my hand, and I smiled again.

He looked cute when he was sleeping.

I decided to stay up and take care of him.

It was already past three in the morning when we checked in and was around five right now.

My eyes were drooping with exhaustion, but I wouldn't sleep. I can't, not with Natsu like this.

An hour later, he started trashing in his sleep. 'No.... Igneel...' he mumbled. 'Don't leave me, please...' My heart broke. His expression was of such raw pain....

I couldn't take it.

'Natsu, wake up!' I shook him. 'its' a nightmare, wake up!'

But the shaking seemed to make it worse.

'Igneel!' he shouted.

'Natsu!' I yelled at the same time.

He lurched awake and sat up.

We both were panting. The pervious ordeal's exhaustion hadn't worn off yet, especially for me.

I hugged him.

He hugged me back too, tightly.

'It was just a nightmare,' I said. 'Don't worry.'

He pulled back and slumped against the headboard. 'Do you want to talk about it?' I asked. He sighed.

Crystal, Ice and Fire ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora