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The siblings were too far away for me to ask them any of the thousand questions running through my head, most importantly-

Where had they hidden the book?

How could you stop Death Magic?

How were they going to fight without it?

I desperately wanted to be at their side, fighting, but I had crossed my limit a long time ago. I couldn't get up, no matter how hard I tried. 

'Well, it seems like our Death Magic has no effect,' Oshirai said.

Was it my imagination or did I just hear a smile in her voice?

'Seems like it,' Rozu agreed.

Wait, what? He was smirking too.

'Looks like we're gonna have to use that,' Kikyo commented.

'We need the practice anyway,' Ajisai yawned, 'and I'm dying to use it freely after so long.'

Could some be so kind as to explain what the hell is going on here?!!!

'You thought we only used Death Magic, did you?' Oshirai laughed.

'You thought wrong...' Kikyo chided in a sing-song voice that sent shivers up my spine because of how dangerous it sounded.

I would hate to be the enemy right now. I saw one of the Wizard Saints was doing breathing exercises to calm his heart rate and another one was trying his best not to piss his pants.

Do you think I was exaggerating on how scary they can be?

'So, you guys up for it or wanna let met do it?' Kikyo smirked.

'Hey, hey, there you go being all overconfident,' Ajisai said, 'we're doing this together. No way are we going to let you take all the glory.'

'Fine, you spoilt brat.'

'What did you call me?'

'A spoilt brat. The truth hurts, doesn't it?'

The enemy too their chance and charged. I face-grounded because a face-palm just won't cover it.

'Shut up, Kikyo,' Oshirai snapped. 'Let's do this.'

Together, they shouted-










There was a bright flash.

And then, finally...

It was all over.


**One Day Later**

'Bye!' I shouted, 'Take care! I'll miss you!'

'Bye!' they shouted back, 'We'll miss you too! Don't get into any trouble!'

I laughed and waved as they shouted that impossible statement.

'See you soon!' they yelled.

'You'd better!' I yelled back, a tear slipping.

And then, they were gone.

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