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The next day, upon my request, Phil told me what had happened. Turns out, they didn't just "stumble" upon them, like she had said the previous day.

'We stalked the Broomstick guild across eight towns,' Phil started. 'They left destruction and carnage in their wake. But we couldn't find an opening to ambush them. They were always on their guard. Finally, we got a chance. We ambushed them while they were resting in the forest. We gave them a chance to surrender, but they chose to fight.

'So, we fought. And lost, badly. They couldn't kill us, though. James and I escaped through our prison. We came out in the Police HQ, badly wounded. We never came across the Broomstick guild after that. They were completely off the map. The only thing that lets me sleep at night is knowing that we put one of them down. That just tells you, Star, how dangerous the Barram Alliance is.'

I frowned. Phil was one of the strongest mages I knew. If she was badly wounded with James... I shuddered, pushing the image of demons away. They didn't exist.

'How many were there?' I asked, thinking they would be badly outnumbered. Phil was silent for a few seconds.

'Three,' she replied softly.

'Oh. Wait, WHAT? Three people could defeat you both?'

Phil nodded bitterly.

'But why couldn't you just put them in your prison?' I asked her. She sighed.

'All major mages have to be weakened before I out them in my prison, or they will break out, taking others with them. I can't risk that happening. They're not ordinary wizards.'


'That's just the Broomstick guild,' I said, 'with their Air magic. The others, the Reaper guild, and the Fluminata guild are even more dangerous. The Reaper guild consists of the laziest mages in the history of Magic. They don't want to do their dirty work, so they use mind control to make others do it. Once you look into their eyes, you're a goner. And as for the Fluminata guild, don't even let me start. They fry their victims.'

'Fry?' Gray asked. I nodded.

'They're lightning users,' I said, 'they fry their victims to death. And I mean they literally strike them with lightning.'

Shocked silence.

'Those are the kind of enemies we're facing?' Mira whispered.

'Those are the only ones you actually need to be afraid of,' I said, 'apart from the Barram Alliance, we should be fine. And with the help of the other guilds, we could take them down too. My only worry is the unknown enemy and the Imperial Army. I don't think only three guilds can take them down.'

The others nodded.

'Well,' Master said, 'we should discuss the meeting with the enemy under the flag of truce first. We will worry about that later. The other guilds should arrive in a few minutes. Once they do, we will decide who goes to the meeting.'

'Wait, Master, I think I have an idea,' Gray said. 'I think I know how to solve the problem of being outnumbered.'

All of us looked at him. Some with hope, some with disbelief and some just impassive, like me.

'We could be back in a few days. The meeting isn't until next week,' Gray continued

'Yeah, but what's the idea?' I asked.

And so, he told us.


'NOT AGAIN, YOU MORONS!' I screamed.

I swear I am never going up a mountain again with these guys.

'It was his fault!' they said together, wrenching their arms out of the snow to point.

'Shut up and get me out of here!' I growled.

There I was, stuck neck deep in the snow.


This time, Dragneel melted the ice and got me out. I had no intention of getting my hands butchered again.

Finally, we reached Praige's cave.

We had moved extra-fast today, considering the grim circumstances and excluding the stupidity of the ice and fire mages.

We stalked inside the cave and were immediately surrounded by fluffy clouds and feeling like we were floating. With difficulty, I ignored it and shouted-


The illusion disappeared and there was darkness. Then Praige appeared, in the same way as he was the last time we saw him.

'Welcome, my friends!' he boomed. 'I am Praige, the all-powerful, wish-granting...'

'Yes, yes, we know,' I snapped. 'Look, Praige, it's us again, and we're short on time.'

For the first time since we stepped in, he seemed to realize this.

'Oh,' he said. 'It's you again. Come for another wish? I knew you wouldn't be satisfied with that one. No one is satisfied until their wish takes me a week to recover from. Seriously, youngsters these days...'

I let him finish rambling, tapping my foot impatiently.

'Are you done?' I asked when he paused to take a breath. Before he could reply, I blurted out, 'We need your help!' just as he started another sentence.

'You... excuse me?'

'Yes,' Erza supported me. 'There is a war looming. We need you to be on our side.'

He was silent for a long time. Then finally, he said,

'Tell me everything.'

And so, we did.

After we were done, there was silence again. Praige looked like he was in deep thought, he was stroking his beard like the way people do when they're deep in thought. At least, that's what I thought.

Sorry, too many thoughts.

'You have only three allies?' Praige asked.

We nodded. He sighed.

'very well, then,' he said. Then he started floating. Yes, floating.

Or was that his carpet?

I have no freaking clue.

But whatever it was, it was awesome.

'Hop on,' he told us. 'I'm going to visit Fairy Tail.'


Hey, everyone!

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I definitely enjoyed writing it! I'll see you next time, I promise to update soon!

Thanks for all your support, you guys are amazing!

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Enjoy life,


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