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'We've got to go back,' I said, pulling them, 'you have to blend in so that they can concentrate on capturing the other dark guilds. Worst case scenario, we fight, you run.'

There was a burst of protests. 

'Stop it,' I snapped, 'it's the only way. For now.' 

'I'm not leaving you,' Kikyo (Three) said. My eyes softened a little, but I looked straight ahead. 

'You've got no choice,' I replied, straining to keep my voice in its former hard tone. He noticed. 

'Cloaks off,' Oshirai said. There was a whoosh as they were flung off.  

We reached the others, panting. Well, at least I was. Erza had explained the situation to them, but Dragneel didn't understand or was being stupid on purpose. 

'Why did you run away only to come back...' he grumbled. 

'Shut up,' Gray snapped. Thankfully, he did. 

'We'll have to trick them,' I told Erza as I anxiously stared at the line of doom over the horizon. It was late evening, almost dusk. IT's good we have a flamethrower on our side. 

'Yes,' Erza agreed, 'or it's going to be an ugly fight.' 

'We'll fight with you,' Kikyo said. 

'No,' Erza and I said simultaneously. 

'If you fight, they'll know who you are,' Erza explained, 'if they don't already. It's going to get more complicated than it already is.' 

The siblings weren't happy about it, but they agreed. 

'Come on,' Gray said, 'get ready. They're almost here.'

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I was looking at a very beaten up army with very beaten up leaders. 


Now I get it. 

The guild masters weren't sitting around after all. 

What probably happened was that at first, they set out to speed the army up, but then they received Warren's telepathic message and turned to attack them instead. 

The Masters appeared, surrounded by soldiers and in magical handcuffs. 

I expected it. There was no way they could go up against all of the Ten Wizard Saints and an army and win. 

'It looks like there isn't much to do!' One of the Wizard Saints commented, 'Unless, of course, you youngsters would like to follow your guild masters and fight us? You have done our job for us and done it very well, it would be a waste to imprison you!' 

I grit my teeth, not wanting to have an outburst and reduce our already slim chances. 

'This war is over!' Erza declared, 'Your prisoners lie at our feet.' 

There was a nasty gleam in the Wizard Saint's eye. 

'Well said, Titania,' he said, 'but you lie. The demons are in our midst and we know it.' 

'Demons?' Dragneel spat. 

'Yes, demons,' the Wizard Saint continued, 'the right-hand men of Zeref.' 

I desperately wanted to yell, "You discriminative kuneyaru!" and kick him in the groin, but I held back. 

'What are your intentions?'Mira asked, flickering to her demon form. 

'Why, to kill the people known as The Four, of course,' the kuneyaru mused, 'and anyone else who stands in my way.'

Wait, what?

Where did the word "kill" come from?

The Magic Council didn't give death sentences.

What's going on here?

There was a moment of silence as everyone digested this. Kikyo, a determined look on his face, breathed in and prepared to say something, but I clamped my hand over his mouth. He glared at me. I glared back. 

'We have to turn ourselves in,' he said softly after I moved my hand, 'it's the only way.' 

'No,' I insisted, 'we can still fight.' 

All the Four shook their heads. 

Oshirai opened her mouth to speak, but I beat her to it. 


You could cut the tension with a knife. 

'Take me! The others are innocent, I forced them! If there is any justice in the law. take me and spare them! I'm the one who started it all, the Master of Death Magic!'

I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. 

'I'm the one who killed Philipa Hauser!'

Tears welled up in my eyes, but I held them back. There was deafening silence as I finished my rant.

Then the kuneyaru shouted one order. 



The army charged. I walked forward, standing in front of all my friends. they were still frozen in shock and I took advantage of that, walking forward some more. 

Unfortunately, the Four were the first to recover. 

'NO!' they roared, running towards me. I looked at them sorrowfully. The Army would reach me first. 

But, of course, with family and friends like this, it wasn't going to happen. 

'Ice-Make: Hammer!'

'Fire Dragon's Roar!' 

'Maximum Defense Armor!'

'Lightning Bolt!' 

'Satan Soul!'



(Happy, again)

'Snow Magic!'

'Air Magic!' 


I shrugged. 


The army was blown back. 

I grinned, despite myself. 


Hello, everyone!

I just started watching Boku No Hero Academia, and it is AMAZING!!! You guys have to watch it. Well, unless you prefer really funny anime... BNHA is kinda serious but really fun. I love it. 

Anyway, how did you like this chapter?  If there were any turns of events that you didn't understand, please comment or message me, because I feel like this chapter is a little confusing...

Anyway... stay awesome!

Thanks for reading,

Please vote and comment,

Enjoy life,


Crystal, Ice and Fire ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن