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My mouth dropped open. I was living my biggest dream...

'Come on!' Phil shouted, dragging me in. James was right behind us.



The hall was full of the guild members of Fairy Tail. Everybody stood up to greet Phil and James. There was almost a stampede to se who could get to them first. I just stood quietly by the door, letting them have their moment and taking everything in.

Almost half an hour later, the crowd around Phil and James lessened. Phil couldn't stay calm, she was jumping up and down. She looked around, and wee locked eyes. She then marched up and stood beside me.

Hey, minna!' she called out to everyone. 'Meet Star! Our newest member! She helped me and James out on our decade quest. She's eliminated a whole dark guild by herself, and she's amazing!' The crowd erupted in cheers. I smiled shyly and waved. 'Hello, minna,' I said. 'It's amazing to be here!'

They erupted in cheers again, louder than before. After it died down, a voice boomed out-


The crowd cleared a path. The master walked through. He looked exactly like Phil said he would. She bent down to hug him. 'It's been too long, gramps!' she said. 'It's wonderful seeing you again!' The Master grinned broadly and hugged her back. After they let go, a boy with pink hair, and a white checked scarf pushed through the crowd.

'Phil!' he said. 'Fight me!' She chuckled. 'Not now, Natsu. Maybe later.' But the boy didn't listen. 'Here I come!' he yelled. 'Breath of the Fire Dragon!'

'Crystal Shield!'

Everyone stared in awe as my shield totally blocked the fire. The master smiled. I smirked. 'You've got a good pupil there, Phil,' he said. Phil smiled, and so did James. 'Natsu,' Phil called out. 'If you want to have any hopes of defeating me, you need to go through Star first.' I winked at Natsu.

'you're Natsu Dragneel, aren't you?' I said, extending my hand. 'I'm Estaria. Go by Star.' Natsu shook my hand. 'Don't worry,' he said. 'One of these days, I'll defeat you!' I smirked. 'Even if you defeat me, you have no hopes of defeating Phil.'

'You bet I will!'

'We'll see, Dragneel, we'll see.'

We both smiled challenging smiles.

'You're fighting style is like an ice user,' a voice said, from my right. I turned. A girl with long Scarlet hair and armour stood in front of me. I smiled. 'Erza Scarlet,' I said. 'It's a pleasure.' I shook hands with her.

'As I was saying,' she said. 'You're fighting style is like an ice user.' I raised my eyebrows. 'Is it?' I asked. Natsu looked thoughtful. 'Now that you mention it,' he said. 'It looks like Gray's magic, but only pink in colour.' I frowned. 'Okay...'

The master smiled again. 'Leave all that for later,' he said. 'Let the party begin!' Cheers erupted again. The party started. A girl came up and introduced herself. 'Hey,' she said. 'I'm Mirajane. You can call me Mira.' I smiled. 'Okay,' I said. 'As you are a member of Fairy Tail now,' she continued. 'You will need to get it's tattoo. So tell me, where do you want it and which colour?'

My eyes widened, but then I smiled. 'Uh..' I said. 'I want it on the right side of my neck and midnight blue.' She smiled. 'You got it. I'll be right back.' I grinned. My crystals were pink, but I loved blue.

'Here you go,' Mira said, as she placed the stamp looking thing on my neck and handed me a mirror. I grinned when I saw the tattoo on my neck, I had waited two years for this.

Crystal, Ice and Fire ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz