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We spent the rest of the week lazing around, enjoying our millionaire life together. I brought a new apartment for myself and moved out of Phil's place. I mean, what was I going to do with so much money?

I decided to invite Gray, Dragneel, Erza and Happy to stay with me. I mean, the apartment was an understatement. My house was a mansion! A five-story tall, swimming-pool-included mansion!

Once I told the four, they asked me if I was sure. When I said yes, they barged in like they owned the place. 

'Don't destroy anything!' I yelled after them. I heard the sound of breaking china. I winced. Most of them had cost more than 5000 jewel. 

'Sorry!' Dragneel yelled. 'Baka!' I hollered back. I was having all the china removed tomorrow and put somewhere else.

 'Guys!' I yelled, 'whatever you destroy, you replace!'

'Can't you?!'



At the end of the day, Dragneel owed me 15000, Gray 11000 and Erza 7000. Even Happy owed me 1000 for the picture he had ripped through. Yes, it was an original. And, it was really fortunate we were all millionaires.

 A few days later, we all went back to the way we were before and became the perfect Fairy Tail guild members (minus the mansion and the zeros in our bank accounts). We even went on another job, just for the thrill of being in danger.

I was itching to show Phil and James my new err... house. I bet I could make her regret not selling her gems. I respect her choice and everything, but I'm just saying.

Or for all I knew, they were billionaires themselves and never told me.

A whole month passed. I grew so accustomed to Fairy Tail and the new team that I couldn't imagine life without them. We hardly paid attention to the money now, but still kept the mansion and everything we had brought with it. But, without Phil and James, life just felt incomplete. And, one day, I decided it had gone too far.

 I stormed into the guild with my team and went up to Master. 'Master,' I said, 'I'm worried about Phil and James. They've been gone too long, it's been more than a month. Have they contacted you? Letters, messages, anything?'

Master shook his head, frowning. 'You have a letter, though,' Mira said, butting into our conversation and handing me a very grubby looking letter. I muttered my thanks, then I ripped it open eagerly, hoping it was from Phil and James. I got my wish: I recognized Phil's handwriting, though it was messier than usual. '"Dear Star,"' I read out loud.

 '"Know that James and I love you, before anything else. On the job, we were ambushed by the strongest of the dark guilds, together. James' fending them off while I write this. You have to warn Fairy Tail and all the other official guilds- they are coming. The dark guilds; all of them. They are waging war. I'm sorry James and I couldn't be there to tell you this in person, but I'm afraid we can't make it out. I'm sorry, we love you. Stay strong, the guild needs a Dragon Slayer like you. Give everyone our love and regrets. And, most important of it all, be ready. 

P.S. Under the sakura tree, in the North park. You'll find it.

 With love,Phil and James.'"


I sunk to my knees. 

**Natsu's P.O.V.**

The ground started shaking. I would like to think that it too, was weeping. I hurriedly wiped the tears streaming down my face, but it did nothing to stop them. 

I sat down next to Star, who was subconsciously glowing with magic power. I knew Phil and James were important, but I wasn't going to let Star put everyone's lives in danger. If she went on a rampage, nobody could stop her.

 'Star,' I said, gently hugging her, 'I'm sorry. But you need to calm down before you do something you regret.' She accepted my embrace at first, but after I said that, she jumped bolt upright. 

'Calm down?!' she shrieked.

 'Yes!' Gray said. 'We'll get them back, don't worry.'

'NO!' she yelled. 'You don't understand!' We all looked at her, confused.

'Dark guilds....' She shook her head vigorously, 'hate us. We destroyed so many of them. Phil and James were always careful not to let them capture us because if they do....' her voice cracked.

'They'll kill them,' Gray whispered, finishing her sentence. She nodded. The ground continued to shake. I wished she would use the Peace spell on herself. 

She could destroy the city. I looked pleadingly at Erza. She looked back grimly, then walked to Star. 

'Star,' she said, 'we'll avenge them, don't worry. but right now, you're putting everyone's lives in danger. We all need to grieve but now is not the time.'

She and Master shared looks. 

 'They dared to lay a hand on my children...' Old Man said, his voice deadly soft, 'they will suffer.'

Star nodded and stormed out of the guild.

 I started to go after her, but Gray held me back. 'She needs to be alone,' he said.

 I cursed. Out of all of us, this shocking piece of news had affected Star the most. Anyone could see that. But, she needed her space, and I understood. 


Here come the waterworks. 

Okay, if I said I teared up while writing this chapter, especially the letter, would be an understatement. 

But anyway, how did you like it?

And no, I'm not giving any spoilers regarding this. 

Anyway.... I hope you guys are looking forward to the next chapter, which is in Star's and Gray's P.O.V.!

Thanks for reading,

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Enjoy life,


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