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'I don't understand what I did!' I yelled, banging my mug on the table. 'He was perfectly normal yesterday!'

Phil patted me on the back sympathetically. 'Sometimes they need their space,' she said, 'and you do too. From the beer.'

She took my mug away. 'I seed that!' I snarled, trying to snatch it back. 'No, you don't,' Phil snapped. I sighed. 'Gomen ne,' I said. 'I'm just so pissed. She nodded sympathetically. 'He'll come around,' she assured me.

Just then, Erza entered the guild.

'Hey, Erza!' I yelled. 'Here!'

She came over.

'Do you know what's up with Gray?' I asked. Erza gave me a dirty look.

Yes, Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail gave me, Estaria Solitaire, a dirty look.

I was... well, surprised, to say in the least.

'Erza, please, please tell me,' I said. She gave me a cold look. 'What do I need to say?' she asked me. 'It's done, there's nothing you can do to change it.'

With difficulty, I kept my cool.

'What. Did. I. Do?'

'You slept with Natsu, why are you asking me that?'

It didn't even register.

'Sorry, can you repeat that?'

'You. Slept. With. Natsu. And. Broke. Gray's. Heart.'

'WHAT?!' I shouted. 'I DIDN'T!'

Erza looked at me accusingly. 'Are you sure?' she asked.

Now I gave her a dirty look.

'Of course, I'm sure! Dragneel and I slept on the same bed, but not in that way! He was sick because he ate the lacrima. And he was also having a nightmare! I was taking care of him, there was absolutely nothing going on!'

I gave her a hurt expression.

'Plus, how could you think so lowly of me, Erza? Sleep with him, of all people?! Seriously?!'

Erza looked at the floor. 'But I saw you kissing him,' she mumbled.

'On the cheek!' I shrieked.

Phil laughed.

'This is all a misunderstanding,' She said. 'Given, the funniest one I ever encountered, but the fact remains the same. You...' she pointed at me, '...need to break down his door and talk to him. And you...' she pointed at Erza, 'need to back her up.'

I was out of the guild even before she finished her sentence and stalked to his apartment.

Finally, his outburst at the river made sense.

I knew he felt that way about me, for a long time.

'Gray!' I yelled, banging on his door. 'Open up, I know you're in there!'

I waited. No reply.

'Crystal Dragons!'

His door fell to the ground in pieces.

I barged into his apartment.

'Gray!' I shouted. I saw his bedroom door quickly close.

I ran to it and broke it down too.

I barged in, only to find him standing there, in the middle of the room, fists clenched, his expression hostile.

'Come to make excuses?' he sneered.

I walked up to him and slapped him.


'Don't you even trust your best friend?!' I cried. 'How could you even think that?'

He stared at me, shocked.

'So, you guys didn't-'


He blinked.

'But I saw you! You were together-'

'We. Were. Not.'

He gulped.

'Nothing happened between us, Gray,' I said. 'He's my best friend and you are too. You just.... Made the wrong assumptions.'

I let that sink in.

He pulled me in for a hug.

'I'm sorry,' he said. I hugged him back. 'No, I'm sorry,' I said, 'For not realizing it sooner.'

He laughed. 'I think I'm going paranoid,' he said.

'Even if you are,' I said, 'I'll still love you.'

I felt Erza leave the room.

I had forgotten she was there, until she left.

Gray hugged me tighter and I kissed his cheek.

'You have nothing to worry about,' I said. 'If anything happens, you'll be the first to know. So, next time, don't make assumptions.'

I could feel him grin.


'Bye, Star!' Phil said. 'We'll be back soon. Just going to monitor some major dark guild activity up north.'

I pouted. 'I'll come with you,' I said. 'No,' she replied immediately. 'James and I want to do this alone, and besides, you've got new friends. And, let's not forget, you're a millionaire! Go have fun!'

I grinned at the mention of the 10 million in my bank account.

'Why don't you ever sell your metals?' I asked.

'I don't want to,' she replied. 'There's just.... So much.'

I nodded. It was true.

'Well, see you then,' James said, joining us. 'We'll be back in two weeks or so.'

I nodded. 'Be safe!' I said, waving. I ignored the scornful look she was giving me.

Once they were out of sight, I headed back to the guild.

'Hey, guys!' I greeted them. I was very happy (or sad, I don't know) to say that Dragneel was back to his normal extremely annoying self.

'Hey,' they replied. I opened my mouth to tell them about Phil and James' departure, but I was interrupted by Mirajane.

'Star! Master wants to speak to you!'

I got up, and so did Dragneel and Gray. I shot them a questioning look, but they just shrugged.

Oh god, please don't let me have the same problem as Levy.

Master was sitting at the bar, as usual. I went and sat next to him.

'Master, did you call me?' I asked.

'Star!' Master said. 'I need to talk to you about something.' He shot Gray and Dragneel and quizzical look.

'Let them be,' I said. Master sighed. 'Very well,' he said. 'I may have found a way to get your memory back.'

Shocked silence.

'I want you to think about it,' he said. 'if you truly want to get it back, just ask.'

With that, he hopped off the barstool and headed up the stairs.


Okay, is Star going to accept or deny the offer?

Just kidding, we all know she's gonna accept it. 

Anyway, jana!

Thanks for reading,

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Enjoy life,


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