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The Four seemed entirely bored with our conversation, though they did not show it. With a curt nod to Phil and James, they filed out of the room, masks, and hoods back on.

There were a tense few minutes of silence.

Finally, when I couldn't sense them anymore I looked at Phil. She breathed out a sigh and looked at James.

The silent conversations were getting to me.

'What?' I snapped. Phil shot me a look of... warning? Suddenly she whispered something that left me speechless.

'Star,' she whispered, 'I'm sorry! Those were all lies!'

'W-what?' I stuttered.

'Yes!' James whispered, 'we were putting on a show!'

Suddenly, a huge weight was lifted off me. I didn't say anything as tears came to my eyes. But I blinked them away, I was strong.

Before I could process what was happening, they were hugging me.

And... my tears fell.

'I'm sorry,' Phil said. I was horrified when I saw a tear slide down her cheek. Phil never cried.


'It's okay,' I said. James pulled back with a little difficulty and helped me and Phil up.

'Come on,' he said, 'we have to leave before they notice. We'll have time together later.'

I nodded and got up shakily. Phil led us out of the room, senses on full alert. 

Suddenly, James froze.

'What?' Phil asked.

'We have a problem,' James replied.

'The Four?' I asked. 'No,' James said, 'a problem that can fly.'

Phil and I exchanged confused glances.

'Happy,' James said, 'he's here. But he's alone. I teleported him outside to keep him occupied, but he might've made his way back in.'

'If Happy's here,' I said, surprised he was alone, 'he's coming in. And the others can't be too far away. if we're leaving, we've got to hurry.'

Phil and I locked gazes.




We ran through the fortress, James in the lead. He seemed to know the way like the back of his hand. We met some guards on the way, but Phil quickly knocked them out as James and I lugged them into a room one by one so that they would not draw attention.

We continued running after that until suddenly, James flickered and disappeared. I froze in my tracks, but Phil pulled me forward.

'Come on,' she said, 'he'll catch up!'

I nodded and ran forward.

Sure enough, less than a minute after he appeared in front of us holding a pair of black robes and a white mask in his hands, grinning triumphantly.

'Here,' he said, handing them to me, 'one problem solved.'

I smiled in return and quickly put them over my clothes. We started moving again, taking a roundabout and longer route to avoid people.

James kept disappearing and reappearing. Phil told me he was going back and forth along our current route to ensure we were alone.

'Have you found Happy?' Phil asked as he materialized in front of us. 'No,' he replied, panting slightly, 'I'm taking detours to check but there's no sign of him.'

I cursed under my breath. We HAD TO find Happy before we left. We weren't leaving without him.

After several more disappearances and materializations, James said, 'We're almost there. I checked the place where I left Happy and around it, he's nowhere to be seen.'

Phil didn't reply immediately but stayed quiet for a few seconds, thinking, like me. Finally, she said, 'We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.'

Suddenly, we took a sharp turn and burst into the night. I inhaled deeply, the air refreshing. My lungs were tired of breathing smoke infected air.

'Is it too dangerous to call for him?' I whispered. 'Yes,' James answered in his normal decibel. 'There are guards stationed everywhere. This is the only route to leave unnoticed.'

'But..' I said, ' we can't leave! Happy came to save me and he still thinks I'm in there.'

I held my head, not knowing what to do.

'We're going back,' Phil said, 'without you. We'll get Happy and get back here. then we'll leave.'

'NO!' I hissed, 'I already lost you once, I can't lose you again!'

I glared at them, determined to go. I was impossible when I was stubborn and they knew that. This was an argument they couldn't win.

'Fine,' James conceded.

We headed back into the gloomy darkness of the black fort.   


Hi, minna!


I know it hasn't been that long, but it sure felt like ages for me. 

No, I still don't have my laptop. I will get it at the very end of this month or the very start of the next!

Don't worry, I will still be updating, but they will be a little slow. I apologize in advance for that!

Anyway, you must've sighed in relief while reading this chapter. I'm not cruel that I would make Phil and James evil. No. I like them just as much as you guys do!

Anyway... see ya'll in the next chapter!

Thanks for reading,

Please vote and comment,

Enjoy  life,


P.S. Did the gif in the start give you an idea of what was going to happen?

Also, my apologies for the short chapter. 


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