14 1 0

I froze, then whipped around and ran back to the guild at record speed. Within a minute, I was standing in the doorway, panting.

'Minna, iksou!' I yelled, 'We need to go somewhere!'

then I whipped around and ran again, this time in a different direction. The others followed, a little confused. Correction. VERY confused. 

I ran through the city, mentally kicking myself again and again. 

How could I be so stupid as to forget Phil's final wish??!!

I breezed past the others until I finally stood in front of the one I wanted. The huge Sakura tree where Phil's final wish would be fulfilled. 

"Remember the letter."

The words echoed in my head. 

The others came up behind me, panting. 

'What happened?' they asked, 'Why are we here?'

'Phil's final wish,' I replied, 'Was for me to dig under this tree and find... something. I wanted you all to be here to witness it.'

'What is it?' Dragneel asked. 

'I don't know,' I replied. 

They nodded in understanding. I scanned the ground around the tree with my sixth sense reserved for metals. I felt something dense and heavy. I immediately recognized it and summoned it. 

I knelt and placed the glittering diamond box on my lap. 

'Is there something inside?' Gray asked. I gulped and opened it with hands on the verge of trembling. 

It was a book. 

It was a plain, spiral-bound book with no title and no decoration. 

What could it contain?





I honestly didn't know. 

'Open it,' Erza prompted. 

'We'll always be the same to whoever it concerns,' Mira promised. 

The others muttered consent. Gray and Dragneel just stared at me, one with excitement and one with concern. 

I took a deep breath and opened the book. Inside, there was a handwritten note. I read it out loud. 

"To whoever is reading,

"This book originally belonged to Philipa Hauser and James Sanctum. Since you're holding this, we've either passed on or just decided to put the whole of Fairy Tail into a major... tragedy. Since you've found this, it now belongs to you. But if one of us told you where it is, I want you to know that you are very special to us. Like family. Like the rest of Fairy Tail. If we're not there right now, we would like the whole guild to know that we love them a lot and we will always be alive in their hearts, no matter what. 

"This book might be an instant reply of what happened a few years ago when we had just recently joined the guild. But trust us, seeing these will make all the fights you're going to get into worth it. If we told you where to  find it, the reason is..."

I realized I couldn't see anymore because of my tears. I felt two hands on my shoulders and instantly, I regained my composure. 

"...because we don't want you to cry for us. We want you to live life to the fullest, come what may. We'll always be a part of Fairy Tail and you'll always be family to us. Because family is the most important thing that ever existed. 

With lots of love,

Phil and James."

My tears fell. I looked at my right and left to see Gray and Dragneel respectively with Erza standing behind me and Happy on my head. The rest of the guild with tears in their eyes standing behind us too. With my courage replenished, I flipped the page. 

And almost choked. 

With laughter. 

The others were immediately around me, thinking I was in danger. But when they saw my face after the choking fit passed, they were confused. 

'Are you okay?' Mira asked. 

'I'm better than okay!' I laughed, grabbing the book that had fallen on the ground because of all the hustle. 

Laxus peeked over my shoulder and caught a glimpse of the contents. He immediately took it out of my hands. 

'Hey!' I snapped. 

There was a look of horror in his face. I smirked, knowing the reason very well. Laxus then flipped the page and...

Burst out laughing. 

'What?' the others asked, 'What happened?' 

Laxus just continued laughing (on the ground now) and didn't bother to reply. 

Dragneel, not being able to bear it anymore, snatched the book from him. Then, an extremely weird expression overcame his features. 

Ha. Guess there must've been two. 

And he didn't have enough brain cells to cope with them.

Phil and James never ceased to surprise me. 


Hi everyone! 

I'm sorry I didn't update for the past week and a half, I was buried in projects and schoolwork. I had this huge test just yesterday and am so glad I'm finally done with it.

Anyway, what do you think is so funny??

Let me know in the comments! It will be revealed in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading the trash I write (it means a lot),

Please vote, comment and share,

Enjoy life, 


P.S. I was thinking of doing a double update today... 😉😉😎

Crystal, Ice and Fire ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora