Chapter 26

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Thank God.

//Sherlock POV//

When Moriarty had left, John and I lay back on the bed. We couldn't be bothered unpacking so we just left it. It was really early still - it was only 9am - and we hadnt slept on the plane so we both changed into our pyjamas and fell asleep.

What woke us up was a knock on the door. I got up, dragged my dressing gown on and walked to the door. John was awake but still lying in the bed.

I pulled at the door and saw a familiar face.

"Brother, dear." Mycroft smiled at me sarcasticly and looked down to my attire. "Disgraceful." He muttered, almost inaudible. But I heard him. Of course I did. I'm the 'great Sherlock Holmes.'

Mycroft let himself in, not asking first. I'd have said no anyway, but its impolite to not ask.

//Mycroft POV//

"Brother, dear."

Sherlock didn't answer me, so I let myself in. To find John lying on the bed. Half-naked.

Dear God.

I turned to Sherlock, acting as if I was not bothered by the horrific image. Then again, I have seen Sherlock in just a bed sheet. Twice.

//John POV//

Mycroft had walked into the bedroom. And there I was getting changed. And he just. Ew.

"Sherlock, what's he doing here?" I questioned as I walked into the main room.

"I don't know, John. He wants to talk to you." Mycroft stood up from the sofa and walked over to me.

"Please." He put his arm out, signalling me to go into the bedroom. I obliged.

"What, Mycroft?"

He turned his head to look at Sherlock, who was sitting on the sofa watching television.

"John, how do you feel about Sherlock? Seriously?" What?

"Mycroft, I love Sherlock. He is my world. Why?"

"Don't do anything to hurt him. Please? From a protective brother to my brothers boyfriend. God, that sounds weird." I chuckled as he said this.

"I wouldn't do anything to hurt him, Mycroft, you know that. For the two years that he was dead I still loved him. I had faith in him, and thank God I did. When he jumped and was dead, my life ended there and then. When he came back, my life started all over again." The anger started to rise in my throat and I just wanted to shout.

"I know, John. And I was just checking that you wasn't using him."

"DON'T YOU EVEN DARE! Mycroft, you know how much I love him. For real. I always have and I always will. No matter what anybody says. So don't you even dare." Ugh.

"John, calm down." It was Sherlock.

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