Chapter 11

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"Hello, brother dear. "

//Sherlock POV//

Oh, dear God. Mycroft is here... Why is he here? What is he-

"Sherlock? Be polite." John expects me to be polite? Really? Ugh. Fine.

"Hi, Mycroft. What are you doing here?" I tried to sound polite but it didnt work. At all. I waoted for a reply, but all that I got was a tapping finger on his nose. What? Ugh, I hate it when he does this! "Mycroft. If its nlt important, leave. Now." I smirked at him evily and grabbed his coat, ready to push him out of the door. Unfortunately, he started to speak.

"Fine, Sherlock. Deaths, thats why I'm here." Hmm. Intriguing...

"Actually, we were ju-"

"What kind of deaths?" I interrupted John and he glared at me, but I needed to know. Even though I domt particularly like my brother, doesnt mean I dont trust him over Moriarty.

Jim Moriarty is a bad man, and unfortunately, I learnt that the hard way. I wont say how, not just yet. Especially not while Mycroft is here. He cant know, no way. Never ever ever. Not ev-

"Serial killings. Same weapon, same method of dead... You'd like it." He grinned toothily at me, and I simply strugged. I didnt care right now. Ireland sounded like a good idea, but so dod serial killings. What to do, what to do...

I look over at John, whose eyebrows almost reach the Heavens, and see he's grinming stupidly at me.

"What are you looking at, hedgehog?" I chuckle, teasingly.

"Just an adorable otter, why darling?" He tilted his head to the side and I had an urge to kiss him. I leant forward and raised a hand then heard a 'cough' from behind me. Oh, God, yeah. He's still here. Great.

Sighing, I leant back and turned to face my brother.

"Why are you still here, Mycroft?" I lifted my brows about a centimetre and pulled a face at him. He irritates me so much. And yet, I'm still willing to trust him.

"I must be insane." It wasn't too long before I realised I said that aloud, and not just in my mind. I only found out when John actually answered me.

"You're not insane, you're just a high-functioning sociopath." He smiled and cocked an eyebrow up, obviously trying to amuse me. I rolled my eyes.

"With your number." I added, winking at John. I turned back around to talk to Mycroft, but he must have left, because he's no where to be seen. Hm. That's odd.

There's letter on the floor where Mycroft was standing. I opened it and read the first line.

My dear Sherlock, how I have missed you! I haven't seen you in ten years. Where have you been? Oh, that's right. With your new boyfriend, John. Dont think I don't know. I know everything.

I have eyes all over the UK.

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