Chapter 6

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What has he done?

John and Sherlock awoke to the sound of Mrs Hudson entering the room with her normal cups of tea, which Sherlock had thought, until recently, had come out of thin air.

"Morn- Oh! Sorry, I should really learn to knock." She stepped back to behind the door and knocked, listening for John's voice to eventually coo the word 'yes.'

"What are you two doing? Not to be rude, but are you... together, now? Because, you fell asleep on the couch in each others ar-" Thankfully, Sherlock interrupted.

"Mrs Hudson. Please." He yawned, obviously still tired.

"Are you a couple then?" Her eyes widened in awe as she awaited the new news. John and Sherlock glanced at each other and, in perfect synchronised,  said 'yes.' Mrs Hudson almost dropped the tray as she noticed John slip his hand into Sherlock's, smiling. Of course, Sherlock returned it with his own.

"It's about bloody time!" She practically screamed, and Sherlock was sure that the whole damn street had heard her. John chuckled and stretched his arms,  ready to stand up. Sherlock, however, lay back down, reluctant to let John leave his side. He put his arm around John's waist and pulled him back down onto the sofa. He's stronger than you'd think!

"Sherlock, I have to get up. I have to work, remember?" Sherlock groaned at the thought of John working. He swore there and then he'd never work, just so he'd never had to leave John's side. Sherlock smiled at the promise he had just made.

"What's up with you?" John asked, directing the question at his boyfriend.

Boyfriend. Yeah, he liked the sound of that. I'm so lucky to have Sherlock... John continued to think about what his future with Sherlock would be like, but a voice stopped him straight in his tracks.

"Everything. And, yet, nothing." Sherlock looked to the window and John swore he could see his eyes glaze over.

"Don't make me kiss you..." John teased, forgetting Mrs Hudson was standing right there.

"I think I ought to leave you two to it. I'll probably speak to you later." Mrs Hudson grinned before turning and walking away. Neither Sherlock nor John noticed her leave though. Sherlock turned to look at John, amd his gaze immediately fell on John's eyes, and they locked. For the first time ever, neither of them had any worries or doubts. Their minds were set. They wanted - no, needed - to be together.

John was the first to break the silence.  "I love you, Sherlock." Sherlock was taken aback by the sudden statement, but smiled, knowing John was telling the one and only truth. And this time, John wasm't going to ignore him.

After a few hesitant seconds, John heard the words he had longed to hear for a long time.

"I love you too, John."

***AuthorsNote*** Hey guys!! So, 40 reads, 5 votes so far :D yay!! Thank you all so much. As you can probably rell, I love writing and reading stories, whether there non fiction, or fanfiction. :P BY TEH WAY (that teh was intentional) theres a twist in the next chapter an am sososososososo sorry its a short one this time but its 10pm, I have to do homework and I have spanish tomorrow - UGH!!! - but at least its up now! Dont forget guys, a chapter a day :P come an read again tomorrow :D this will be the only authors note for a while btw soooo.... enjoy the storyyyyyyy. OH AND IGNORE THE NEXT CHAPTER! I CANT DELETE IT DX HELP MEH

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