Chapter 15

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Slapped me.

//Moriarty POV//

Oh, God, his face looked so smug I just had to slap him.He didn't deserve to be happy. Not after what happened between us, those many, many years ago. Well, obviously it wasn't that long ago.

"Ow." His mouth gaped open and I leant forwards slightly. As if by reflex, Sherlock jerked back, but I stood my ground.

"You deserved that." I whispered.

What? He did! Hey, we've all done it, don't pretend you haven't.

Oh! Just remembered something.

"Oh, Sherlyyy." I smirked. "I owe you something." He knew what I was talking about, and his eyes widened in recognition. "I owe you... A fall." He dipped his head and laughed. I held my head up high and laughed.

Oh God.

//Sherlock POV//

Why is he laughing? Is he supposed to laugh? I don't think he's meant to laugh.

What's going on?

When I asked him, he ignoreed me, and continued laughing.

"Why aren't you answering me, goddammit!" I screamed at his laughing face, whichbynow, was frozen in a hideous expression.

But before he could answer, I heard someone behind me say something. I turned around just in time to see him say:

"Because he doesn't need to, Sherlock."

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