Chapter 3

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John didnt understand why Sherlock had been so overprotective of him earlier. His hand around John's waist had made his tummy tingle. The way he was pulled closer to him made him wonder whether Sherlock did like him back. - not that he was going to confess his feelings for Sherlock. That would be unthinkable!

"Is this really for a case? We've been her for nearly two hours and nothing has happened." John questioned, suddenly regrettingbit. Sherlock turned to his blond friend and smiled limply.

"Yes. Why else would we be here?" Sherlock's face reddened and he had to turn his head.

John continued to stare. "I guess so..." Now it was his turn to go red. How shameful! However, Sherlock's reaction was very intriguing.  Why had he blushed so much? These questions kept ringing in Johns head.

Then Sherlock turned back to John,  making him look up and furrow his brows. "What?"

"John, I," Sherlock paused, as if nervous, and John raised one eyebrow. "I need to tell you something. Sorry for keeping it from you, but you need to know." Johns head pounded. What?

"John, I... I think I might be... gay." John's eyes widened, ready to burst. What? What?

"Sorry for not telling you, but... Well, I dont even know. I guess I was scared to tell anyone and you're the only one I trust." Sherlock looked away, embarrassed by his sudden outburst of words. He didnt want to look at John.

Then a hand fell onto his face. He looked at John and furrowed his brows. What was going on?

"Sherlock, don't worry about it.  I won't tell anyone. Unless you want me to. Do you? Well, I guess not. Anyway," John couldnt help the words falling from his mouth. "Don't worry. Is there anything else you want to tell me? Anything at all?" He was hoping for an explanation of why they came here.

But Sherlock simply shook his dark mop of hair. It was only then that John noticed he hadnt moved his hand from Sherlock's right cheek. Howevee, he didnt want to move it. So, for once, he did what his heart told him to do.

He leant closer to Sherlock, aware of his confusion, and closer, until their foreheads touched.

"I have something to tell you." John whispered.


(Sorry this chapters so short, but ive had loads of homework and ive been watching doctor who... whoops. But still, did you enioy??? Next chapter is up later on today maybe?? Byeee)

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