uChapter 10

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//Sherlock POV//


That's my thing! How dare 07665243895 steal my thing. How very dare they.

"What, Sherlock?" I heard John ask. I answered with a simple shake of the head. Mentelly, I decided John could come with me; just so I could keep him safe.

We started packing our stuff, ready to actually trust Moriarty. God knows why, but if its to save soldiers like John's lives, I'll do it. I just hope John doesnt get too upset...

He nearly told him. This sentence whirls around my head. John can't know. He just can't. Also, what's with this... Shipping thing everybody does? I mean, Johnlock is right but... Is it Sheriarty? Yes, well. Moriarty is his surname. So it would actually be Jimlock or Jamlock. But oh well. Nobody actually knows anything about my past so I'm fine.

I look over at John, standing there putting about 12 books into his suitcase.

"We're only going for a week or two!" I laughed, letting him know that the - 1, 2, 3... 11 -books he has is slightly too much. I mean, sure he can take them, but he won't need to use them. He has me to entertain him, right?

"Haha, I know. I just love reading. You of all people know that!" He chuckled, not moving his eyes away from his pile of novels. He piled a few more books in, followed by some clothes.

"When will you have time for me though?" I pouted playfully at him, and he grinned at me. Of course, he then stuck his tongue out at me.

I couldn't stop laughing at how he looked! Oh, it was so funny. I broke down, practixally choking on the air. Pahahahaha!

One thing stopped me in my tracks. Somebody was at the door. John went to open it and I couldnt quite hear the voice of either of the two, but eventually John came back. He was being followed by someone. I could just make out the shape of an-

"Hello, brother, dear."

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