Chapter 24

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Not awkward at all.

//John POV//

"So, Sherlock. Hello, I missed you." Moriarty walked closer to Sherlock, and closer and closer until they were just inches away from eachother.

"Don't be absurd." Sherlock replied, leaning his head back slightly, obviously still aware I am here because his grasp on my hand hasn't loosened at all. I'm not complaining though.

Moriarty grinned toothily and turned on his heels. As he walked put, Sherlock leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear "Think he's a bit jealous?" We both started to laugh.

"What?" Moriarty had stopped dead in his tracks and turned to see us giggling uncontrollably. His expression was so priceless! He looked unbelievably annoyed. But that didnt stop Sherlock and myself.

//Sherlock POV//

His face... Oh, my... God... I cant... Stop... Laughing... At one point, I think I was on the floor.

Oh, well!

After another good few minutes, we began to walk to the hotel again. It wasn't that far away to be honest, it was exactly 0.32 miles away. Basically, it was the other side of the airport.

Moriarty dropped us off and John and I strolled into the reception, hands still tied together.

"I think the room is booked in the name Holmes?" I said. How could I not have asked Moriarty whose name it was booked in with?

"Sorry, the only name related is Watson-Holmes. Could that be you two?" Oh, he likes his games.

"Yes, that's us." John nodded, nudging me slightly with his elbow.

The Irish woman at the reception nodded and stood to go and get the keys.

"You two just married then?" The woman, Anthea, smiled at us as she sat down, handing us the keys for our room.

"No," I replied. John smiled and started to walk off, so as I picked up the suitcases, I turned back to Anthea and kept talking. "Not yet." She nodded in acknowledgement, and wished me luck. I returned it with a quick grin and a "thank you."

//John POV//

Wow! Our room is the freaking penthouse! Moriarty really went out of his way for us - well, for Sherlock. To be honest, I think he is a bit jealous. But then again, who can blame him! Sherlock is just... You get the point. There is no word amazing enough to describe him.

"John, what do you think?" I heard from behind me, in a distinctive Irish accent. Oh God. "I paid a fair bit of money for this place. Just for you, and Sherlock. Do I get a thank you?" I turned to see Moriarty closer than I had expected. Heck, he was right in front of me!

"Thank you." What? He deserves it! This place, just for me and his ex? Definitely deserves a thanks.

He raised his eyebrows and turned his head slightly, pointing to his cheek. "I need a bit more than that, dear."

"No." I shook my head and looked away. "Thrre is no way that I am-"

"Oh, come on. I deserve it, don't I? After this, I think I do." He kept pointing to his cheek, and I freaked out. What the actual hell? I pushed him back to find Sherlock standing there in the doorway, luggage in hands. I rushed over to him and grabbed some bags. Sherlock didn't seem to notice though. He was too busy goving Moriarty evil glares.

I gently put my hand on his arm, told him to calm down and that nothing would happen. I only have eyes for you, Sherlock.

I must have said that thought out loud, though. Because Moriarty answered it.

"Not for long, John. Not for long."

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