Chapter 2

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John couldn't help the small twitch of his lips. Sherlock was pleased and it made a warmth curl inside the blonde to know he'd made the other pleased. He relaxed against the taller man, finding it easier to the longer they sat. He was picking up the little things. The pets were keeping eye contact with anyone other than their 'masters' or 'mistresses' to a minimum unless otherwise instructed, and it seemed that public sexual displays weren't discouraged, and even welcomed either in back rooms or in the open.

Sherlock looked around also, noticing the 'master' and 'pet' kissing softly in the corner. He pictured that as himself and John, and it seemed to work, especially when John was talking to him at that moment. He was too busy fantasizing to notice, though. "Sorry? I was in my mind palace. Say it again."

John fought the urge to roll his eyes. "We've got people coming over," he repeated quietly. A woman was sauntering over, a man trailing behind on hands and knees and struggling to keep up. John kept his gaze down but he didn't like the woman already. The man stayed kneeling on the ground while the woman looked to Sherlock with an offering smirk though her eyes were hungrily flicking to John.
"You're new," she stated.

"Yes, first time. You are?" Sherlock exclaimed looking mischievously into the woman's eyes. He put one of his hands on John's waist; he knew she wanted him, and Sherlock wanted to show it wasn't an option. John was Sherlock's, and only Sherlock's.

The display didn't seem to put her off. "Very interested." The woman offered instead of a name. "I have a room booked in the back. I was thinking we could swap pets for a bit and have some fun."

"I'm afraid not. My pet stays with me. We're very close." Sherlock pulled John closer than before so now John was sitting at the very top of Sherlock's legs. Sherlock wasn't very bothered about the woman, just the fact that she wants John. However, Sherlock was still determined not to give him up.

The woman's smirk turned colder. "Fine. The bitch wouldn't be good enough to give to my pets let alone /me/." She scoffed, nose turning up in the air before she stalked off at the too fast pace her pet had trouble keeping up with. Once the woman was gone John relaxed more, resting his head on Sherlock's shoulder.

Sherlock chuckled slightly at the gesture, smile spread across his face. "Hah! The cheek." John smiled slightly and nuzzled once into Sherlock's neck before realizing what he was doing. He stopped, looking elsewhere only to wish he hadn't at the sight of a pair where the pet was sucking his master off. His mind naturally supplied to what would happen were Sherlock to feel the urge, and he blushed before looking away. There was a place in the club where all manner of sex toys, lube, and condoms were sold for the club goers --all sterile and new, of course. He'd seen it when getting drinks, and his mind wandered again. The problem being that his outfit made it various obvious when he was interested.

Sherlock, however noticed nothing of what John was doing, just wished that time could go back to not ten seconds before, when John had his head on Sherlock's shoulder.

Growing embarrassed by his reaction and arousal John lasted a few minutes before he was pressing close to Sherlock's neck to hide as much. His mind was certainly overactive now, and he was trying to remind himself they were there for a case...not because Sherlock was interested in him...though he sorely wished it were for that reason. He'd mainly assumed that the other's displays so far were because of wanting to blend in rather than real possessiveness.

Sherlock tried not to concentrate on anything but John. Wherever John looked, so did Sherlock, whatever John did, Sherlock did it true. He was sure, however, that it was normally the other way around...

"Where is this killer, anyway?" John finally murmured quietly, glancing up at Sherlock in question. If he didn't know better he'd say that the detective wasn't even here for a case considering how absorbed he appeared to be with him.

Sherlock was shocked at the sudden question but answered anyhow. "He should be here by now. He has dark, curly hair; green eyes and a small nose." John laughed silently at that.

"So basically, you?" John asked, jokingly. They both laughed quietly, Sherlock trying to think of a witty answer, but none come to mind. Instead, he just carried on looking around. He looked at the many different couples sitting close, talking little and looking at the others as well as making their own little affectionate displays. Sherlock couldn't help but blushing slightly at the sight of everybody doing... stuff in front of them. He couldn't see how it was possible for people to do that. Sherlock couldn't even do that in private.

Glancing at John out of the corner of his eye, Sherlock noticed he was being watched. By John.

"What?" Sherlock cocked one eyebrow up and looked at his friend. At first John just kept staring. 

"Sorry, what? Oh, sorry, nothing." John blinked, blushed and looked away. "Sorry." He murmered, looking down at his dangling feet. Sherlock furrowed his brows, smiling and shaking his head.

John stared at his moving feet for five more minutes not realising he was kicking Sherlock's shins. "Sorry Sher-I mean... Master?" John made a confused look and rolled his eyes. Sherlock saw this and said "It's fine, John, really. Just, act natural, okay?" John glanced back up at Sherlock, seen his smile and grinned himself. At least Sherlock was happy.

He thought.

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