Chapter 22

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What a perfect night.

//John POV//

By the time the movie had finished, Sherlock's suit jacket was drenched. He said he didn't mind though, so he can't blame me.

As soon as it hit 9pm, Sherlock and I grabbed our coats, said goodbye to mrs Hudson and walked out. It would be another month before we opened the door to 221B Baker Street. I'll definitely miss it.

//Sherlock POV//

I looked back as John shut the door, his face cloudy and his eyes misty. Once he had closed the front door and walked to me, I pulled him into an embrace, hoping it would calm him down. After about half a kinute, a taxi turned the corner.

I flagged it down and stepped inside it, telling the cabbie where to go. Ireland here we come.

//Moriarty POV//

When they get of the plane, I'll be standing there, waiting for them. Unarmed. Not dead. In an airport. I'm such a genius.

So, the aeroplane is due to arrive at 5am in northern Ireland. I'm there now and it's only 3am. What can I say? I like to be early.

//Sherlock POV//

Once we got on the plane, John and I sat down and he pulled a thick novel out of his hand luggage.

"You're not going to speak to me then?" I pouted playfully at John, but I think he was too engrossed in the book to notice I was speaking to him.

We didnt speak for the rest of the two hours; he was reading and I was watching movies.

I just finished watching 'The Wizard Of Oz' when the plane started to land. Don't ask, it motivates me when I'm nervous. And right now, I'm unbelievably anxious, believe me.

When John and I had got off of the aeroplane and grabbed our luggage, we went outsode, and waited for Moriarty to show up. Suprisingly enough, he turned the corner just as soon as we walked out, in his usual suit and tie.

"Morning." He drawled in the accent I used to find cute. I looked over at John, saw his eyes narrow and grasped his hand in my own. It's all going to be fine.

"Morning." I replied, still looking at John, who was now staring at our entwined fingers, smiling.

When I did look up, Moriarty was standing a bit too close, so I raised my eyebrows and he stepped back.

It's all going to be fine.

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