Court Date

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Max woke up it was late he slowly turned to look the clock on the bedside table it was ten thirty in the morning it seemed that he had slept in. He slowly got up and looked around the room no one was there.

 Just then there was knock at the door and the door opened "Good morning Max" it was the head Ms. she had a smiled on her face as she walked up to Max. "Congratulations your get to leave here that blond man and I had a talk last night he said he came here to pick you up but, I have to say something Max" her face changed and she frowned "your right what you said last night and I'm sorry it seems that I'm being removed from my status here in the orphanage" Max frowned " your apologizing to the wrong kid you should be apologizing to everyone else here I knew I was getting out of here weeks ago lady you should be saying sorry to the kids that can't get out of here" he looked at her frowned face and smiled smugly. He got up and grabbed the uniform clothes handing them to her "thanks for everything lady I'm sure I'll remember this for a long time how you made a child jump off the roof of a building" he snickered because he had won this battle and now he needed to go win a war.

He put on his hoodie and blue jeans slipping on his sneakers he packed up his things putting it in his backpack. He tied the hanker chef around his wrist like a bracelet "so long bitch" he turned around then stood up and walked out flipping the lady off. 

He was about to head down the stairs but Travis stopped him he was still beat up from yesterday "so Max your finally on your way out" Max smiled "yes and?" He smirked "I'm sorry Max for hurting your feelings and for hurting you" Max frowned for a moment to think about his apology but quickly smiled like he wasn't going to accept this ass holes apology "Ha you think I'm accept your half ass apology you garbage excuse of a human being suck a fat one ass hole" he smiled and flipped the guy off and headed down the stairs where Daniel was waiting.

 Daniel had a smile on his face he held Out his hand and Max gladly took it Daniel smiled "nice work kid you seemed to survive quite nicely even with a few bumps along the way but you did the right thing by not accepting there apologies" Max looked up at him he didn't exactly hate Daniel anymore "you think so ?" Max smiled "yup because that tells them your better than them and you deserve better confidence is a good thing but don't let it get to your head to much your still a little shit" Max laughed a bit "yeah okay if I'm a little shit then you're a huge one" Daniel nods "fair enough." Daniel took Max to the car he opened the front door and Max got in. Daniel hoped into the driver seat then started the car and started to drive. "We are headed to the city hall that's where case is being held your parents are going to be there but David will be too are you nervous?" Max looked out the window why they drove "no not really but, I'm worried about David is he okay?" He looked at Daniel.

 Daniel's eyes where fixed on the road he couldn't look at Max. "well let's just say one thing David has been in low places before but prison isn't a good place and I have never seen him so low as he is now" he had a straight face. Max frowned "I knew it.... that guy has no back bone he can't handle a place like prison" he growled he blamed his stupid parents for this. "I'm going to make them pay for this" he huffed "I'll make sure you get all your emotions out and have some time with David not alone an officer will be in the room but, you'll get some alone time because once we get into that court room your going to have to put on your best no acting performance okay kid you can't be a little shit because we can't afford slip ups you need to behave" Max nods "okay" they finally got to the city hall parked the car and headed out. 

Daniel quickly grabbed Max's hands and dragged him into the building. "I'll take you to the court room and show you around a bit but then I have to change and get shit ready okay" Max nods. Daniel processed to show Max the court room who will be sitting wear where he will be sitting and so on. 

Then a door was opened and officer and David came in Max turned to hear the noise behind him he saw David his eyes widened David didn't see him though he was talking with the officer. David was wearing a simple tux they had probably given it to him to wear today. David then turned a bit. He faced Max and looked away then he looked back his eyes widened the officer was also explaining to David what was going to happen but, David was just frozen and so was Max they were looking at each other it was as if time had stopped for these two. "M-Max" David whispered to himself. 

Daniel turned around and saw Max and David staring at each other Daniel bit his lip. "Max, we have to go you'll get your chance to speak with him soon" David was tearing up across the room then he turned away from Max breaking eye contact and asked the officer if they could leave. David pointed at Max quickly the officer turned and understood what was going on. David held a hand to his face he was crying he hurried out of the room. 

Max watched this but then bolted. He ran towards the officer and David "DAVID! DAVID NO PLEASE! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!!!" He got to the door and the door was slammed but David's voice could be heard on the other side "IM SORRY MAX! IM SO SORRY!!!" but it was fading as he was running the officer was chancing after him. Max yelled again and beat the door "DAVID!!! GET BACK HERE ASS HOLE" Max was crying he was mad. Daniel ran up to Max and bent down he turned Max around and cleaned Max's tears up. "Hey kid you can't do that again okay or they might not let you see him and I can't let you get to emotional darning the trial okay" he rubbed Max's tears away. Max looked at Daniel frowning "I-I know but it hurts to see him" Daniel nods "I know but you'll be fine because you have me I'm going to win the case Max" Daniel smiled "but you have to help me out here okay" Max cleaned himself up and nods "sure thing" he was determined to get David out of the this horrible situation. Daniel stood up and took Max's hand and finished the small tour some time passed and it was time for Max to speak with David once more.

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