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The next morning arose Max was the first to wake up he looked up a bit in a sleepy haze noticing David still asleep he blushed a bit. David looked kind of cute when he was asleep it made him giggle in the inside. A soft smile grew on his face he nuzzled David neck a bit making David groan a bit he then sat up completely he smiled now it was his turn to shine. He was going to show David what he could do he gets up carefully and gets off David and the bed. Slowly heading to the kitchen, he opened the door hearing a snoring Gwen. She was still here it seemed and still asleep on the couch. Max took a mental note heading to the kitchen; he looked around the kitchen looking for a pan eventually finding it under the stove with the other pots and pans; he places it on the stove and goes to the fridge grabbing eggs and bacon. He grabbed something to cook with and started to cook. He knew how to cook sense he was about five sense he had to make his own meals at home sometimes he had to learn how to cook at a young age. His mother would forget to feed him sometimes maybe that's why he was short, but he didn't care. He was making breakfast for David, Gwen, and himself that's all that mattered. 

David woke up a bit later and hazy he turned in the bed taking a deep breath in "smells like bacon... smells good...." He mumbled he realizing the house smelt like bacon he shot up noticing Max wasn't in the bed he got up and ran to the kitchen his socks almost causing him to fall but caught himself at the last second. "Max!?" He was surprised he saw Max cooking making eggs and bacon. Max glanced at David looking back at the bacon he was cooking "hm?" David walked over and watched Max who was now at shoulder height Max had grabbed the step stool that was in the bathroom and brought it over so he could cook sense he was too short to reach the stove. David looked at Max "you never told me you knew how to cook?" Max, he rolled his eyes as if David should have known. "Of course, I know how to cook David, but you never really asked what I was good at did you?" He puts the food on a plate handed it to David "that's for you" he started the next set that was going to be Gwen's. David took the plate "I-I'm sorry" he bit his lip and looked at the eggs with bacon "But, hey it looks good!"

"Just eat it David it's just eggs not a steak dinner there going to get cold just go sit down" he said in huffy. David nods and sits at the table with the breakfast Max had cooked him he started to eat. Max glanced back to see if David was liking it. David was eating the eggs and bacon happily once swallowed he says "this is really good Max thank you" Max quickly looked away so David couldn't see him smile "Yeah whatever" he smiled softly to himself as he was finishing Gwen's set of food he puts it on a plate putting it to the side and starts his set.

 Just then Gwen awoke sitting up quickly "Graggle come back to meeee" she cried out as she woke up "hmm" it seemed as she was having a dream about Graggle again. She slowly turned her head towards the kitchen area she had smelt the food Max was cooking. She took a moment before she realized what was happening "MAX YOU CAN COOK!?" her eyes widened in shock Max grumbled "Yes I can cook what's the big deal you make it sound like you two haven't seen a child cooking before."

 Gwen walked over and took the plate on the kitchen counter "well I think it more on the fact that it you and not just any child, but when did you learn to cook?" she went and sat next to David. Max was finishing up his set putting his eggs and bacon on the plate and cleaning up the kitchen a bit "I've know sense I was five because that's when my mother would forget to feed me, so I learned how to make food for myself" he walked over sitting next to Gwen he was across from David. The table was silent for a moment; till Gwen looked up at the wall clock seeing the time "OH SHIT I'MA BE LATE FOR WORK!?" she shoveled the rest of her food into her mouth shoved some bread into her mouth and grabbed her things. "Thanks for breakfast Max talk to you later David bye guys!" She said as rushed out the door.

 It was silent for a moment. Once they were done eating David got up and put the dishes away he had an idea to keep Max entertained "Let's do something fun!" David said Max looked up from his seat and looked toward David "like what?" He raised a brow. David turned toward Max "Ice skating!!"

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