First Day Of School! Again...

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Morning came and the bell was rung this woke Max up. He shot up in the bed and looked around no one was around it was seven fifteen. It seemed as Kyle and Travis had left the room and had headed down stairs for breakfast. He sighs knowing he had to go to school and that he had to change into that awful uniform. It was his first real day in this hell hole Max got up leaving the bed a mess he changed his clothes putting on the uniform it was a sky light blue button up shirt, with a light brown sweater vest, and plaid blue shorts with a little old blue bow tie around his neck. His shoes were also changed into black school boy shoes. He puts it on and looked at himself "gross..." He hated this outfit it made him feel gross. Max sighs and headed down to the mess hall where breakfast was being served.

 He walked into the mess hall seeing all the girls and boys at one huge table. The table was as long as the room. He didn't like being very social that was all about to change now. He put on his best grumpy tired face and walked over to where Travis and Kyle where the two seemed to be nice enough to have saved a seat between them just for Max. Travis called out seeing Max "Max! Maxi! Maxine~ Come over here!" Kyle snickered at the last part. Max rolled his eyes and walked over "what?" "We saved you a seat" Travis smiled Max sighs sitting down between the two boys. There wasn't any food on the table yet but the food was on its way. Travis then spoke "so maxi can I call you that?" "No" "oh well, So! How exactly did you end up in a place like this?" the food arrived and a server came putting a plate of food down for each child quickly same dish for every child, oatmeal.

 "Don't want to talk about it" Max look at the oatmeal nothing seemed wrong with it he just didn't like oatmeal but, gave it a try anyways it was boring and plane nothing special. He figured he should eat unless he wanted to starve to death sense he didn't get to eat yesterday. He glanced at Travis who was take his bowl and put it between his legs. He had a plastic bag in his lap and was pouring the oatmeal into it. Max raised a brow and stopped eating to ask why "what the fuck are you doing?" He nudged Travis. 

Travis looked up with a smug smile "hm? Oh, I'm saving it for later don't worry about it you'll see~" Max was confused but didn't want to be part of it then looked at Kyle who was doing the same thing. He looked at his oatmeal now questioning it was there something bad about it he decided he wasn't hungry anymore. One of the Ms.'s walked by checking the plates of every child it seems that everyone has eaten it expect Max she stood behind him "ah I see are you not hungry today or do you not like oatmeal" Max looked straight up looking at this lady who was staring at him "both?" He was confused. She nods "I see I see I guess you'll have a hard time today then" "sure then?" The server came and took the bowls away the head Ms. Walked in the lady who looked like a cupcake from yesterday.

 She rung the bell smiling happily "alright kids time for school" all the kids got up and started to head to the classrooms Kyle gave Travis his bag of oatmeal and Travis hid the oatmeal in his pockets then turned to Max "Max you're in my class Kyle has another class and we won't be able to see him till recces" he took Max's hand and took him to the classroom it looked like a normal classroom desks all lined up and full of charts books paper pencils and colors. Travis smiled "come sit here" Travis took Max to his seat and Travis sat behind him "your allowed to sit with whoever so that's nice huh?" the boy smiled and Max nods "great..." He still didn't care. Ms. Cupcake lady walked in. "Wonderful the lady who makes me want to barf is also the teacher" where Max's thoughts the Ms. spoke and class quitted down "okay class we have a new student today why don't you get up here and tell us your name?" Travis nudged Max to get up there. 

Max sighs and stood up walking to the front of the room "why don't you introduce us what's your name? What do you like to do? And how did you get here?" Max looked at her then at the class everyone was smiling waiting for Max to talk "well my names Max I like..." He paused trying to think of something to say "I like camping and outdoors a lot I guess" he didn't know what to say "and I'm here..." He needed to think of something to say but, ended up blurting out the first thing he thought of "I'm here because my parents are fucking stupid Ass hole and I hate them" the Ms. didn't like this she then did the tsk-tsk finger in front of Max's face "no bad words in the classroom okay but, thank you for sharing you can go sit down now" 

Max went and sat down class started. He was extremely board he had his hands on his face and started to day dream. For once he missed camp, he missed his friends, he missed Gwen but, most of all he missed David. Max looked down at the blank paper at his desk. Travis peaked and noticed Max looked upset about something "you alright dude?" He patted Max's back. Max didn't move he was doodling on the paper "hmm yeah I'm fine..." Travis noticed Max was drawing and was now curious "what's that?" Travis leaned forward to try and take a peek.

 Max noticed and clutched the paper hiding it from him "nothing!" Travis went on the other side "but I want to see Max let me see! What are you drawing?" "No, you can't see" Travis got upset and tried to take the paper away from Max. Max held it up and away from Travis he didn't want anyone to see but, big mistake. The Ms. came over and grabs the now crumpled up paper and looked at it. Max turned back around and looked up at her shocked the Ms. looked at it then at Max "do you want to share this with the class?" Max shook his head rapidly no and tried to grab it back the Ms. did that tsk-tsk finger thing in his face once again. "Don't be so rude child taking things from others is rude and now I'll show the class as punishment" she held up the paper Max had drawn a stick figure of a man with red hair and a big heart around it and at the top of the heart it says David "children what does the paper say?" The class said out loud "DAVID!" "That's right class David" Travis looked at Max and nudged him getting Max's attention "you like boys!?" Max glared at Travis yelling "no!" Then turning back to the Ms.'s. 

The Ms. turned to Max. Max's face was red with anger and embarrassment the Ms. leaned down "and who's David Max? Hmmm someone you like? A crush perhaps?" Max glared at her "none of your god dame fucking business lady" he was so close to cussing like a sailor to this ladies face and yet again she gave him that tsk-tsk finger warning in his face "tsk-tsk what did I say about cursing young man if you curse one more time in the class you'll be in the naughty corner" "just give me the fucking drawing back you bitch" she then shook her head no "oh silly Max you have much to learn" she ripped up the drawing. 

This made Max mad but he couldn't do anything about it he wants to strangle this lady she was annoying more annoying than some of the other kids back at camp. She pointed to a stool on the back of the class and told Max to go sit in it for the rest of the class. He sat in the corner. He was glaring as Travis is was his fault why couldn't he just be left alone. Class ended lunch started and everyone left as soon as Max got up the Ms. walked over to him. "Sit down we need to talk Maxine" "it's Max! And what is it?" She then bent down to his eye level she still had that creepy smile on her face. She spoke "Max why are you drawing boys in class?" Max looked confused "huh?" "Do you like boys are you Gay?" "WHAT NO!" "It's okay if you are but, you do know you we have boys in class and-" she was cut off "IM NOT GAY LADY DAVID IS A MAN I CARE ABOUT HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME SO FU- FUG OFF" he stopped himself from cursing this time.

 He was frustrated with this lady her eyes widened "oh the David who was arrested... the kidnapping pedophile your that boy aren't you? The one who was kidnapped" "WHAT!? NO, I WAS-" he was cut off she gave him a hug and let go holding onto his hand "oh you poor dear! Where did that gross man touch you? You must have Stockholm syndrome that's why your drawing hearts around him because you think he loves you. My dear sweet child that man doesn't love you he's what we call in this world a nasty but, that man doesn't love you. You will learn in due time he's never coming back to you and you'll never see him again, but don't worry well get you a new home" she smiled he pulled away and didn't say anything "your lying! David cares about me and he is coming back I don't have Stockholm syndrome and he didn't touch me lady! AND IM NOT GAY!!! CAN I GO NOW!?" She stood up nodding "head to lunch" Max walked away and headed back to the mess hall where the children had their lunch.

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