The Start of a Bad Idea

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It was another afternoon in Camp Campbell. Max was sitting on a rock watching the other campers, he was looking at David. He upset and pissed at David for not paying attention to him David had been pushing max away, to spend time with some of the other campers. This led to Max being jealous and wanting attention, lashing out more than normal. He has tried multiple things so far to get David's attention, but this plan he had set up this week was for sure going to get David's attention because it would put David and the other campers in danger. Max had stolen David's phone yet again. His goal this time was to contact someone that would get David's attention for sure. He decided the best way for this was to contact that psycho, Daniel he said that he would let Daniel do as he places on the camp site if no one is to badly hurt epically his friends. Daniel was on his way like Max had asked threw a text messaging. Max was waiting for Daniel to send him a message threw David's phone he kept in his hoodie pocket. Ping! A noise came from the hoodie pocket it was time to start the plan. He got up and walked to David asking David to follow him into the woods because he had lost something. David agrees and leaves the others only to follow Max into the woods. They walk for about twenty minutes till David finally asks Max.

"Max what exactly did you lose in these parts of the woods"

Max stops and turns they were in the spot they needed to be in Denial not too far with a smirk he says

"you David, I lost you"

he smiled as Danial snuck behind David and smacks him with a hard ass frying pan David jolts in surprise and collapses passing out in front of Max the small child grinning "now you will pay attention to me" he looked up at Daniel who was looking at the pan then looking at Max. There was a sense of power bestowed upon Daniel he looked at the small child with a grin and spoke.

"Well well Max looks like my job here is done now.... I can do what I please... and you can't tell a god forsaken soul."

"Yes, I did but we also have an agreement you wouldn't harm anyone" Max scowled.

"Silly child haven't you learned not to trust adult especially asshole ones who wants to kill children for their god" he laughed then smacked Max in the head knocking the child out without a second thought not letting Max get another word out. The blond man picking up their unconscious bodies.


David was woken up by a light a flashlight it was Daniel. He was looking into David's eyes with a sharp harsh light. David flinched away causing Daniel to step back.

"Ah your awake" he replied David tried to move and struggle, as he was tied to a chair they were in that same cellar from last time.

"Where am I where's Max and the other campers" David was frankly looking around and nervous, but right now the only thing that's important to him is the children. Danial begins to explain "well Davey~ your favorite camper is a double crosser he was mad at you" he snickered as he got behind David. He was smug "for what I don't know but Max told me I could have whatever I want as long as I didn't hurt anyone, so I took advantage of that. What I want the most Davey is to watch you and Max to suffer" he bend down leaning into David's ear and counited to speak on more a sexual whisper "I'm going to take your body, and you'll be my little toy why that awful child gets to watch you bleed and once your dead that child will have the same fate as you. You have to live with knowing you could never save him, and he could never save you" he snickered then licked David's ear causing David to twitch in a discussed manner. Daniel stood back up walking back, and standing in front of David "Though I did keep one promise in that I wouldn't harm Gwen or the other campers I'm a saint aren't I now let's continue with our game shall we Davey?" He said pulling out a knife David eyes widened.

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