Painful Truth's

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Max was in a separate room in the bunker. This room was small had a bookshelf and a small bed inside it was a bedroom. Max had woken up a bit before David did and the room wasn't far, so he herd mumbling. Max searched the room but as he did, he heard screaming it was David's screams and cries asking for help "DAVID!" Max was in a panic as herd the screams of his beloved camp consular. Sadly, as the time passed David cries wouldn't stop. Max's uses trying to escape the room he was trapped in failed and time felt slowed down. Max sat there watching the door waiting for it to open. When it finally did David was chucked into the room his hands tied and so was his legs Daniel closed and locked the door laughing as he had his fun for the day, he left to go do something else. Max rushed over to him, he quickly untied David's hands and legs "David!" He cried out to see if David was awake or not. David groaned "Max????" He looked up seeing the small child. He could tell Max was in distress, so he sat up quickly and grabbed Max, he hugged him he was glad to see him. Max looked up at David, he frowned looking at David's state seeing the cuts and buries on David's arms and legs. David was glad to see Max "Max!!!" He smiled lightly "I'm so glad to see you are you alright?" Max was shocked and pushed David away he looked at him with a frown and tears whiling up in his eyes "David I caused this it's my fault I got you hurt and the others could be in trouble too it's all my fault because I was jealous that you wouldn't pay attention when I wanted you too and Daniel is a backstabber but I should have seen that coming I was just so mad and jealous that I forgot to not trust adults like Daniel but because of my mistake you got really I'm sorry" David sat there stunned a bit and grabbed Max's shoulders "Its fine I forgive you it's okay to make mistakes but you know....not all adults are evil..." David chuckled Max looked at him sheepishly "yeah I guess you and Gwen are tolerable..." He frowned.

"Max why where you jealous exactly that I was hanging out with the other campers" he questioned. Max bit his lip he was hesitant to tell David his problem's "well because camp will be ending soon and I guess I wanted to spend more time with you guys because I know when I go back home after the summer ends it isn't as nice as spending time in camp because there's nothing I hate more than home David I can't believe I'm saying this, but I would rather be at camp then at home with my family" Max sighed he admit that being in camp had grown on him more. School sucked, family sucked and most of his life was pretty gray, boring, and upsetting. So camp was the one thing he could look forward to every year. Seeing his friends Niki and Neil along with seeing David and Gwen made him feel like he was wanted and welcomed. David looked at him with a smile and hugged him yet again Max didn't hug back but kind of just let David hug him sense no one was around. "Max when you say family life is hard do your parents do bad things in the household or... to you?" David was now curious about Max's personal life he knew Max's parents didn't care about him, but he was afraid that something worse was happening behind closed doors and sense he was a counselor he had to know. Max looked at David wide eyed he didn't think David cared about what he had to say "W-why do you care? Why should I tell you?" he moved away putting his hands in his pockets David was concerned now he could tell Max was slightly distressed "Max I'm being completely one hundred percent real with you I need to know if something bad is happening back at home with you. You know this job isn't easy, but part of our job is to protect and insure safety in our camp and campers now I'm not saying I will tell anyone but what I can do is offer you a safe place for you even though I'm really not supposed to but I really do care about you Max" max turned completely away from David and spoke "They don't care about me not paying any attention to me my mother looks at me with this look of disappoint all the time like I have done something wrong, and my father he's the worst especially at night, he fucking drinks all the time I do my best to keep away when he does that kind of stuff, but he always finds something to hit me with they blame me for their problems" Max was now crying tears where dripping down his face David noticed and quickly grabbed the small child hugging him tightly but this time Max hugged back. He was just so full of emotions he couldn't help it. David not saying anything for bit rubbed the boys back gently and after a moment let go. He tipped Max's head up seeing Max's teary eyes. He cleans Max's face with his bandana "It's going to be okay Max it's not your fault but here I'll give you something before you have to go back to school this year" David pulled a card out of his pocket and handed it to Max. This card was David's very own card with his personal number, address, email address, and a business logo on it "when I'm not doing camp counseling I have my own small house not too far from here actually it's my other job I like to make nice things out of wood and sell it. It's just a small business but it pays nicely sense camp counseling only pays for the summer" Max looked at the card. "I didn't know you could wood carve how come you never taught us that" he looked at David puzzled "you never asked" David shrugged "now what do you say we get out of this joint?" David smiled, Max put the card in pocket now realizing he still had David's phone in his pocket he pulled it out and handed it to David "guess Daniel a fucking idiot he forgot to check my pockets" he rolled his eyes David checks the phone looking at the messages "I wonder if we can call Gwen" David proceed to try an call Gwen she picked up. David started to explain to Gwen what was going on.

 Like a mama bear she grumbled over the phone rubbing her fingers between her eyes in frustration as she knows she must save them because David is too much of a cinnamon roll to do it himself.

 An hour or two passes by Max and David wait at the door for someone to open it. The door finally opens and out pops Gwen who isn't happy as she looks like a mess, muddy, dirty, twigs in her hair, and maybe even a little bloody. She held Daniel by the tuff of his hair. Daniel didn't look so hot either, he also was a mess guessing he had fought Gwen and lost the fight. She threw the blond-haired man on the floor spitting in his face. Daniel making a groaning noise and looked up at the young lady "you're a monster and I'll be back watch me." Gwen crossed her arms looking down at him "Try me!" She trended Then looked at the two boys who stood in front of her. "Let's go" she was annoyed as she had been writing fanfiction and her story was getting juicy. David went up hugging her she pushes him away and David takes Max's hand the three-leave headed back up out of the cellar. Locking Daniel back in the cellar yet again.

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