Police Report

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Some time passes and Max was now asleep on David's lap the hot chocolate cups on the table where empty. David was awake and rubbing Max's back soothing him as if Max was his own son. David runs his thumb across Max's soft cheek gently as he was humming a soft tone. He felt like he was doing the right thing; he slowly and gently picks up Max caring him like a baby. He took him to the bedroom putting him to bed. 

As David was putting Max to bed Gwen walked into the house; she had one of David's many spare keys sense he entrusted her with it. "hey David, I'm ba-" she notices the bedroom door was half closed and no one was in the other rooms; she went and peeked into the room without opening the half-opened door. David tucked Max into the bed he whispers "night Max sweet dreams" he gave him a kiss on the forehead. Max smiled in his sleep and this made David's smile grow a bit. He left the room and slowly closed the door; he did notice Gwen was here once the door was closed Gwen had a huge smile and gave David a big hug. She whispered "you did it" David's smile was soft but as he hugged her his smile faded "yeah.... I did it...." they walked away from the door and sat on the couch. They started to chat "so what happened today David tell me everything" she had made herself some tea. She sips some waiting for David to speak "well after you left we went ice skating; I actually taught him to ice skate once; we were done we came back here and had hot chocolate; I caught him smiling then in his own little way he basically told me he loved me and I love him he's a good kid Gwen, and now I don't know what to do I want to help but I don't know how too" he sighed Gwen looks at him with sad eyes. "I can tell that Max needs you...and you need him huh" David's nods yes "but I guess things aren't that simple you know I watched you put him to bed; you did good the kid looked relaxed calm and happy like it was the first time in a really long time he has felt loved. I mean heck the kid smiled, and you kissed his forehead kissed him can you believe that!?" David snickered a bit at Gwen's comment she laughed, but her laughter slowed down into a frown. "But sadly, you might need to give him up sooner than you think as I was on my way over here I read an article you're not going to like it" she handed David her phone with the article.

 David looked at it with a saddened frown the article read 'Boy missing' the description read as such 'police report a little boy named Max was reported missing later a clam the last sighting was in his bed room he white a blue hoodie and dark blue jeans officers are trying to confirm if the boy had ran or is there a kidnapping at stake the last reports clam some saw a little boy with a blue hoodie run off in another discretion away from his home around the middle of the night some don't know if the boy was alone or with others investigators are on the case' David looked up at Gwen. Gwen frowned "it's all over the news too.... A missing child is a serious crime David is they were to find out he was with you by mistake they cou-" she was cut off by David "I have to take him back home or to the police really soon huh" he looked away from her; he was tearing up. Gwen nodded "yeah.... I'm sorry David..." She bit her lip and looked away. 

David looked at the bedroom; Gwen slowly stood up "sorry David I need to go do you need anything?" She looked at David. David shook his head no "no but thanks anyways Gwen" Gwen went to the door leaving the tea on the coffee table she grabbed her things and left "see you later David" "see ya" he sighs as she closed the door. Once Gwen was gone David slowly got up and went into the bed room he took off his pants and changed his shirt then got into the bed with Max. He was holding back tears the whole time; he was worried that this would happen and now it was happening. He lied on his side; he looked at Max's soft face with a frown he ran a finger across Max's soft check again and teared up some more. He then gently took Max and hugged him lightly holding him. Max's unconscious body nuzzled into David's chest lovingly and David lost it. He used his other hand to cover his mouth he started to cry as he held the small boy in his arms, he didn't want to lose Max he really did love and care for him like a father would to their son Max was special to David. After a while of crying he slowly fell asleep holding Max close to his body the tears drying on his face and pillow.

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