Trust No One

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Recces started everyone was sent to the back of the house for recces where Max found out it looked like a normal playground with grass, trees, swing sets, basketball court, a play place. It seemed that everyone was already in their own clicks and that it was all different ages. Travis came up behind Max and taped him on the shoulder Max turned around "what?" "You want to have some fun?" He snickered pulling out the bags of oatmeal from before.

 Max raised a brow "what kind of fun you suggesting" Travis smiled smugly "normally Kyle and I do this but Kyle got in trouble today so you'll have to do come you see those trees over there you take these bags of oat meal and I'll bring a few of the girls over and you dump it on them okay?" Max looked at the girls then the tree "what did they do to deserve it?" Travis rolled his eyes "um nothing it's just fun so, what do you say?" Max he shrugged "sure why not I got nothing better to do then self-loathing today." Max and Travis walked to the tree and Max started to climb the tree as he did Travis had to comment. 

"Wow your good at climbing is that why you said you like camping ?" Max sighs "I said that because I go to a special summer camp in the summer" "special what's so special about it?" Max looked down and got into the tree "that you're not in it" he snickered at his own joke "rude dude rude!" Travis threw the bags to Max and he caught them then lied in the tree "okay dude I'll be waiting." Max shrugged Travis left to get the girls he looked up at the tree it was quite and away from people. "I should climb trees more often" he smiled.

 Travis went and got the girls. He came back with two ladies. "Come on girls I saw some lady bugs over here" "okay Travis you sure about this?" The girls stood right under the tree. Max looked down he waited for a second the girls started to look in the grass sitting in it. Travis looked up giving him the thumbs up Max shrugged grabbing the bags and poured the oatmeal on the girls they scream looking up at Max "AHHH HOW DARE YOU!" Max snickered. The other girl screamed "OH IT WAS THAT GAY NEW KID!" Max growled at the comment "IM NOT GAY!" Travis noticed someone coming and quickly ran behind the tree. It was the Ms. she had Kyle in one hand "Max get down right now" she was smiling. Did this lady ever frown? Guess not. She saw how the ladies where covered in oatmeal.

The girls started to complain "the stupid new gay kid ruined our clothes" "yeah!" "Oh girls go wash up your excused for the rest of the day" the girls walked away upset. The Ms. looked up at Max "Kyle told me you hurt these girls on purpose" Kyle nodded. Max yelled from the tree "WHAT NO IT WAS TR-" Travis then hoped from behind the tree "yes it was all Max's idea those girls where so innocent and he just wanted to hurt them for fun and tried to convince me to do it and I only did it because if I didn't he was going to bully me" Travis covered his face faking crying. Max slid down the tree his jaw was wide open as he walked up to Travis. Travis looked back smiling smugly then Max looked at Kyle. Kyle looked like a demon child.

 Max then looked at the Ms. The Ms. had her hands crossed but was still smiling "Max I'm surprised you would do such a thing I thought you knew better hmm?" "What!? Excuse me these two shit heads set me up" the Ms. looked at the two other boys who now had the sweetest smiles ever.

 "I know Travis and Kyle are the sweetest boys we have here and sense you are new I'm not sure if I can trust you if you keep this up and no good will come from this, this is your first warning you get three warnings if you do two more wrong things you'll be punished" "but he-" "no buts that's your first warning you kids have five minutes left then it's time for art class see you soon" she left the boys on the field forgetting Kyle was supposed to be punished. 

Travis snickered and laughed standing in front of Max and Kyle stood next to him Travis mocked Max "but he- I didn't do anything" he laughed Max growled he crossed his arms. He was mad "what do you really want?" he knew he shouldn't have trusted these kids. Travis spoke "look Max" he pointed to him "you're going to do what we want and take the fall for it" "why should I you can't make me" Kyle spoke "oh yeah? I'm sure you will poopy head" he pulled out Max's teddy bear and shook it Max's eyes widened "how did you get that!" Kyle giggled "duh you where stupid enough to let me sleep with you so when you were asleep, I snooped in your bag and found this" he smiled. Travis stepped forward "so you will take the fall for us or else well destroy this bear" he snickered smiling. Max grumbled "fine but, fuck you" Travis smiled then pushed Max to the ground "thanks Gay boy" he laughed him and Kyle walked away Kyle holding onto the bear. Max looked at them sitting up "FOR THE LAST TIME IM NOT GAY CRIST!!!!" he was mad he felt stupid.

 He knew he shouldn't have opened up opening up always resulted in something bad happening. Max sighs he sat there for a moment he looked down at the grass and frowned he then lied in the grass looking up at the clouds "I hope he's okay...." He closed his eyes. He was thinking of David he knew the man didn't have a spine for shit. So he just hoped that David was doing alright. He also wishes he could talk to Neil and Niki. Heck even seeing Gwen would make him happy.

 A bell was rung Max opened his eyes sitting back up everyone was called to head back inside. He sighed heavy he was already not liked by the other children and on top of that being bullied the one person he cared about was in prison and his friends where unreachable. Max was depressed from all this stress that he had now placed on top of himself. How could it get any worse?

Max's True Family ( CampCamp Fanfiction )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora