On The Run

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Days turn into month and now the time it was to say goodbye to Camp Campbell and hello school. By this time though it was now November, so it was becoming cold leaves had been falling and rainy days where sure to come with the odd chance for snow to come soon. On this piacular day it was November 13th and raining not just any type of rain it was a dark cloudy thunderstorm pouring the worst type of weather to be running around in it was afternoon turning dark. Max was in his room he sat on the bed with his bear the house shook with every lightning strike and thunderous boom. He wasn't scared of the rain but there was something among this rainy day that he was afraid of his parents.

 Max's father had been drinking lately this scared Max as he had seen and been part of this abuse and saw the toll it takes on his mother. He was afraid to head down the stairs and into the kitchen knowing both parents would be down there. He was afraid to head down, but he did so anyways. The boy was thirsty and wanted some water he was supposed to be in bed and was expected to stay there in the darkness of his room. He slowly walked down the stairs, but suddenly heard a loud crash the sound of glass breaking and sudden yelling. His parents where fighting curious he headed down and peaked threw the crack of the door he watched his parents fight. His mother had thrown a plate at her so-called husband and they started a screaming match but then Max's father grabbed an object something wood and hard grabbing his wife he started to hit her. Max's eyes widened in horror as he watched his father hit his mother, she tried to use a chair to push him back to distance herself from this horrible man. But it all had ended in an instant the door Max was hiding behind had creaked open more. Max's father saw him the father stopped suddenly everything from here happened quickly like a blink of an eye. The larger man pushed his wife out of the way and grabbed a paddle hanging on the wall putting the wooden objected on the dining table he went for Max. Max's mother was defeated and slowly leaned against the nearest wall slowly sitting down. She also noticed Max as well but gave Max a look of disappointment and sham instead of protecting Max she just sat there crying ashamed. She couldn't protect this child this child she hated in the inside she thought of Max as a mistake. The next thing Max saw was his drunken father coming towards him the door swung and the man slapped the paddle in the palm of his hand giving Max the chance to make a choice to run and get a harder beating or to take the beating now. Max's father blamed Max for all his problems and has been for years now so this was nothing new. 

Max's eyes widened as he saw the taller older man the man he so called father ready to hit him. He was afraid and scared. He trembled a bit then quickly crawled up the stairs running up them as fast as he could he ran to his room, but this man wasn't far behind almost grabbing Max on the stairs a few times yelling at Max to "GET BACK HERE!" Max tried to shut the door in his father's face, but the man quickly caught it and opened it Max back away to his bed his father grew closer. He flinched as his father grabbed his hand and pulled Max up onto the bed then flipped him he pulled Max's hoodie and shirt up and wacked Max in the back and butt it stung and Max began to cry witch only made it worse his father yelled at him to "Suck it up! Be a man toughen up!!" the more Max cried the more he got hit until he slowly stopped crying or until his father got tired. This time his father was tired he took his paddle and left Max's room slamming the door loudly almost causing the room to shake. Max lied on his bed his eyes where red from crying he pulled his hoodie back down and just wanted to think of something anything. He reached for his bear and hugged it closing his eyes. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He missed camp and his friends. He then remembered something David's card. 

His eyes widened as he had an idea. This will be the last time his parents will harm him he needed to run away. He stood up and went to his backpack, he kept David's card in his bag for safe keeping because that was the one place his parents didn't check. He opened the small front pocket pulling the card out. He didn't have a phone so he couldn't call David, but he could go to David's house his address was right on the card. He smiled at this then put it in his pocket he now needed to pack, and somehow get out of the house. If he went back down the stairs again, he could get in trouble. He looked around the room then spotted the window, but he was on the second story. He ran to the window looking out but not opening it. It was pouring cats and dogs out there. "If I slip and die then whatever" he mumbled out loud to himself then went back to his things. He grabbed his bear some clothes and some saved up stolen money throwing them into the bag. He looked around his room seeing if he needed anything else and to get one last look, he opened the window and slowly climbed out. He made his way to the drain slowly and slid down it like a fireman. He pulled up his hood and made his way to the bus stop. Once he got there, he looked at a map at the bus stop.

 He saw that David lived near the woods "figures of course it's near the forest and its far away" he sighs he shook his head and waited for the last bus in under the street lamp and the little cove to avoid the rain. Soon the bus came and Max gets on, he asks the drive to take him to David's location showing the driver David's card the driver questions Max, but he hands the bus driver some money the bus driver doesn't question him now he figured it was just a lost child trying to get home. Max sat in the back of the bus next to the window just watching the world go by questioning if what he was doing was right. The driver takes max as far as he can but gives him directions on how to get to David's house Max takes note, thanks the driver, and exits the bus walking the rest of the way to David house. By the time he gets to David house its three in the morning and dark by this time the rain had died down from a storm to a softer rain but Max was soaked. 

He finally got to David house. The house was like a cabin made of a dark oak like wood on the outside and a pine or lighter oak on the inside there was a covered porch and a porch light the light was off meaning David was asleep. Max walked up the small steps then rung and knocked the door a few times he waits for an answer. The light comes on and the door opens David opens the door he is wearing his pjs which is boxers, socks, and an old camp shirt he looks around then looks down seeing Max he pauses then his eyes widened seeing Max soaking wet and tears in his eyes. Max goes in and hugs David's legs and starts balling he just starts crying and crying hard. David stunned at first but slowly bends down picking Max up and takes him inside shutting and locking the door. He holds Max as Max just cries like a child because well, he is a child. David frowns and takes Max to the bedroom. Putting him on the bed. He goes to get a towel and dries Max up. He helps Max change into some clean dry clothes then putting Max to bed. He frowns watching as this child just cried himself to sleep David sits next to the bed and rubbed Max's soft cheeks, he whispers to him "I'm so sorry..." He gives Max a kiss on the cheek and gets up slowly closing the door then headed to the couch. He needed to call Gwen in the morning and ask Max what happened tomorrow. David slowly fell asleep on the couch.

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