Daniel's Art Class!?

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Max and the others children headed into the class room where the art supplies where set up sense it was Wednesday. He went and sat down but this time he sat down alone but, Travis and Kyle have just had to come back and sit next to Max so, he was in the middle. The teacher started the lesson once they were settled in sometime had gone by. Max was drawing he wasn't really good at drawing so he had taken the black paint and just painted the canvas he was forced to work on. Travis was working on his painting but then picked up the red paint jar and nudged Max "hey Max" "what?" Max hissed he had the white at this point and was busy starting to paint stars on his now black canvas. "Watch this" Max looked up and watched Travis. 

Travis spoke across the table "hey Tracey your figure could use some lipstick" he snickered throwing the paint jar at her with a big splat the paint went flying everywhere onto her and some of the other girls they started to scream. That got the attention of the teacher "who did this!?" Max was about to at a something till Travis already butted in "Max did it" he smiled looking at Max. Max growled "I-" Kyle tapped on Max's shoulder he turned seeing the bear and Kyle with a bright green paint jar in his hand ready to pour the paint on the bear he sighs turning back "I did it" the teacher taped her foot and shook her head "another strike today Max" Max looked down sighing. How could this get worse? He needed a way out of this now hell hole.

Five minutes pass then the teacher makes an announcement. Max hoped this was the sign class was over but it wasn't "ladies and gentlemen we have a guest coming in I was told by the head Ms. He is here now so let's try to be on our best behavior" she glanced at Max and Max rolled his eyes he went back to painting "say hello to our new guest" she went over and opened the door.

 "Daniel" the door opened to revel a tall young blond man with blue eyes and a great smile. Max slowly looked up he saw Daniel and his jaw dropped all the children in the room spook "HI DANIEL!" Daniel scanned around the room with a big smile "Hello children! So nice to meet you" he then noticed Max he stared at Max for a while with a big smile on his face and Max was shocked "OH FUCK NO!" Max quickly stood up pointing at Daniel "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU PHYCO" the teacher yelled at Max. "Max sit down right now that's no way to talk to this young gentlemen or else you'll have to go see the head Ms. and you don't want that I promise you!" Max glared at Daniel and sat down he was just stared at him. "It's quite alright mam he's not a problem for me" Daniel smiled then decided to walk around watching the children work but, Max was confused and kept an eye on Daniel the whole time he couldn't go back to work. Then eventually he walked over to him looking down at Max. 

Max had his chair completely turned to him "what are you doing here" "watching" "watching who?" "Watching you Max! You silly goose" "you've come to laugh at my pain!?" He growled "nope I've come to save you" he chuckled "YOU! I KNEW-wait what..." Max was confused what was happening. what did Daniel mean by that Daniel then looked at the teacher "mam may I take Max and talk with him privately" "sure" the lady nodded Daniel smiled and grabbed Max's arm taking him with him. Travis and Kyle looked at each other. Then glared at Max as he exited the room. 

Daniel smiled and took Max to the mess hall and sat with him. Daniel had a suit case with him. Max sat across from Daniel "so what are you doing here Daniel what the fuck do you want? what's in the case?" Daniel smiled "oh Max you're so silly you think I'm a criminal all the time huh? Well I'm not I'm cult leader recruiting new members in the summer It's a hobby of mine a man's got to make a living for himself you know so, when I'm not trying to be a cult counselor I'm a lawyer in fact it seems I was lucky because actually I'm David's lawyer he wasn't happy to see me either" he laughed "but I said I would do my job because if I don't I will get fired and I can't afford fired because then someone would have to die but, no I have come to terms with something I want David to like me" "huh?" 

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